Lets Get Smarter...and win stuff! Question 1

Day 1,289, 11:13 Published in USA United Kingdom by Metta WorldPeace

Im going to start a new thing. Probably not new to alot of people, but it's new to me. Everyday (hopefully) I am going to write an article. This article will contain a question based on history because I believe History is very easy to learn and remember considering it never changes. (I also enjoy it very much)

These questions will be pretty difficult to prevent people from just scanning the interwebz for a few minutes.

Now I dont want to give prizes away for the first correct answer. So I will take all of the correct answers I get and will pick one at random. I will announce the winner after I feel that anyone interested has sent in their answer via PM! I can not stress this enough. Please PM me, do not comment the article with your answers. Sound good? Ok! Also, if you have time, click that vote button in the top left, and that sub button in the top left 🙂

The dead line will be at 20:00 eRep time.

June 1, 2011 QUESTION:
He arrived on the scene in the middle east in 1126. He was given Aleppo and had his eyes on Damascus rather than the Kingdom of Jerusalem. He didn't allow his troops to drink but he was an alcoholic himself. Who was he?

ANSWER: Imad ad-Din Zengi
Prize Won By: Deriachai

TWO Q5 Tanks