Let Us Be A Bastion Of Freedom

Day 508, 13:38 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

Over the past week or so there has been a growing trend in the eUS that has been getting more and more attention. More and more Americans have been leaving the eUS for other countries. Perhaps the most noticeable of these citizens was former president Uncle Sam leaving for Latvia, but he is far from the first to leave his native home. John Jay left after his election loss, Jamarcus is now leaving for Lithuania, there were rumors that PrincessMedyPi was going to leave for Finland, Wade Seagrave just announced he would be leaving on the eUS forum, and Rhane is already gone. Even the famous (Or infamous) Michael Lewis left America for some time, though he now says that he will be coming back. These citizens aren’t any John or Jane Doe, they’re some of our nation’s best. Many of them ran for president or had been mentioned as possible presidential candidates in next month’s election. Now it’s easy to say that they just left because they got bored, and for some of them that may be true, but the interesting thing is where they left the eUS for. These citizens didn’t move to more powerful countries like Romania or Indonesia, they left for small countries that are potentially vulnerable to both military conquest and political takeover. I believe that their selection of counties could make an important point for future eUS foreign policy.

Increasingly I have noticed that not only in the eUS but in almost every eCountry people are speaking out against political takeovers and bullying smaller nations. Now obviously it isn’t always a majority of people in any country but it usually seems to be a significant number of people. They express their outrage that just because a nation has more citizens they are able to take away the freedom of their smaller neighbors through underhanded tricks. They’re right to feel this way. In my mind this is the single biggest problem that the Admins need to fix. But now let’s look at it from a nationalism standpoint. If citizens in Romania and Indonesia and other powerful nations feel that their government is doing the wrong thing by taking over smaller countries, whatever the means being used are, how can America benefit from this?

Let Us Be A Bastion For Freedom
I have often called on the eUS to take more steps to uphold the ideals that real life America is supposed to stand for. Freedom, independence, tolerance for all, and justice are at the heart of the American story, and while we may not have always held true to these ideals they are nonetheless what many Americans think of when they think of what it means to be an American. I believe that it is for that very reason that we now see so many prominent eAmericans leaving our shores to go and fight for those very ideals in other countries. But what if they didn’t have to leave our shores? What if, instead of leaving America to fight for the American ideals, people were drawn to America?

Growing an active population is always priority number one for a government in eRepublik. By establishing ourselves as the country that stands against political takeovers and the ruthless conquest of small defenseless nations we could draw in hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of citizens from all over the world. In addition to the potential for population growth we would undoubtedly gain in our opportunity for war. Signing MPPs with small nations who are under constant threat of invasion is bound to lead to more wars for America. These wars would help our citizens gain experience and increase their military rank, not to mention be tremendously helpful for our economy.

Now I know that what I’m proposing has its problems, however, I feel that the benefits outweigh the costs. So I call on the American people to support this idea. Let us become the bastion of freedom that our eWorld needs so badly. Let us take a stand against the practices of those who wish only to increase their own power. Let us show the eWorld that America stands up for the ideals that we associate with our nation. I say this not only because I believe it is the right thing to do, but also because I can see how it would benefit our country. So I call on our leaders to consider a new foreign policy. Rather than blindly following the Romanian dominated Atlantis alliance I suggest we make up our own minds and find those nations that deserve to be free and able to decide their own government and we support them. At worst we fail and the eWorld continues as it is now, at best we not only send the message that we do believe in the time honored American ideals, but we implement them to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Thank you for reading.