Let us advance together

Day 908, 20:30 Published in South Korea Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Do not fear the booming of the guns, nor the smoke in the air. It is just our armies on the advance. Soon you shall stand in Japanese holdings. Do not be afraid, for we are merely a benevolent elder sibling with your wellbeing at heart.

Already within the liberated territory of Western Japan, much of the populace is already loving us as the liberators we are. Below is some byproduct of that liberation from some of the west japanese who live in that area.

"Our commander, strong Japanese commander, is riding on horseback, clip-clop, clip-clop. When we saluted him, the commander returned our salute, smiling brightly from atop his horse. Our commander, kindhearted Japanese commander."

Now you are probably wondering, "If Japan is trying to help us, what should we do?" AN EXCELLENT QUESTION! I have an answer and a calling for you. It is a perfect time for you to assist us. Wherever you are, it is time for you to take your place beside us at the field. Let not your courage falter. Fight for the Japanese liberator at every battle and soon, very soon this war will be over and peace and prosperity can prevail on the peninsula. The rising sun shall shine upon the land once.

There is no longer a reason to hide

“Now, with ringing footsteps, let us all advance together.”

Thank you for reading