Let the Socialist Revolution Begin (Open Senator Spots!)

Day 2,040, 10:56 Published in Australia Norway by Major Lee Hung

25th June - The day the revolution began

As you can guess, we're pushing for congress seats; just like all parties. Now I'm not going to bore you with a "vote for us!11one!1" article; if you were going to vote us instead of your party, you'd be here instead of in your party. What I'd like to offer however, is one last opportunity to join the revolution.

Joint 5th with GnG, can you help start the revolution?

Beginning the Revolution

Two weeks ago, we started building for a revolution of a different kind - one to put the fun back in the game by increasing role-play and intensity, the opposite direction to most revolutionary parties who want role-play removed. Economics, politics, war - it's all more fun if you're doing it for a reason, not because you have to.

If we can reach 26 members for the 25th of this month, the revolution will officially begin. We'll have our comrades in senate pushing for change, our comrades out of senate pushing for action. eAustralia will be put back on course for freedom.

While we hold many polar differences to our revolutionary comrades in ARP, we do both agree on one thing; a lot still needs to be changed. Which way you want this change to go can be decided by which party you join. You'll see more on this below.

Want to be a Socialist Senator?

There's no better time to join than either today or tomorrow to be a part of our political revolutionary army. As a result of our current age of just three weeks old, we hold one of the most active playerbases in eAustralia's parties - this directly converts to an increased chance of seats in senate.


We expect a turnout of 75% in the election from our party - everybody is still active. We'll assume eAustralia has 2 regions on the 24th, though we may have more on the day. (in which case, add 1 to the prediction..) With the 26+ members we aim to have for election time, we can expect at least 21 to vote for us. We expect a total of 145 votes this election.

Total Anticipated Senators for the Socialist Revolution: 3 members, representing 15% of the house.

The more people that join us, the bigger this number gets and the bigger our influence. This is your chance to really make a difference.

What we Expect from our Senators

*eAustralian Laws must be adhered to;
*Any code for senators must be followed;
*The eAustralian community forums must be used;
*Your votes should be put past the party where possible. If not possible, vote based on what you think the party's decision would be;
*You must relay things the party's members want.

A brief overview of what our Senators should push for
*The re-instatement of eAustralian laws;
*Further integration with TWO;
*A more active and visible part for the ADF to play in society.

An indepth article on this will be released soon, detailing these views and more - along with a plan on how we'll do it.

If you feel you can adhere to these rules, you have a high chance of becoming a senator for eAustralia's socialists! You simply just need to join us.

Final Words

There's never been a more important time to get involved with the revolution. After three weeks of building, we're finally ready to start. We're over a month ahead of our expected progress and this trend is continuing. If you feel you have what it takes to be a socialist senator, enlist with us today and place your candidature. Polls will be started on the 23rd and placements will be finalised on the 24th.

All of our building so far is now up to you. Do you want the revolution to fade before it can begin, or do you want to finally get the wheels in to motion for a Socialist Revolution?

25th June 2013 - The day the Socialist Revolution began