Let's take over the world!

Day 1,414, 15:44 Published in USA Japan by Rorke Sully
I was wondering, America...

it may be a pain in the butt, but why don't we take over the world? It may sound drastic for the serious Erepublik player, but let's look at the news articles for a bit...

Canadian President kicked from her own forums!
Epic Trolling!
This guy probably played too much Metal Gear Solid.
Not even the Irish are stable.

...look at the world map and see how our "allies" are doing. Look at our neighbors (the Japanese are too busy posting anime girl pictures, and Mexico seems pretty inactive compared to AMMURICA!). We can easily take control of these places, which will have alot of people getting butthurt.

Why should we do this, you ask? Because we can do it for the lulz! The troll mindset is becoming ever popular even in politics, and alot of lolcows are springing up due to the JCS-eUS Military strife (remember this revealing piece?).

I am not wise in the ways of politics and military anger, and I'm not saying I have a anti-solution to it. All I'm saying is the world seems ripe for some world domination under the troll banner. Let us, brothers and sisters, stand up proud as Trolls and unite (at least for a while) for the common goal of ruling Erepublik!

Troll Tip #1
Anonymous is not your friend or personal army. You are anonymous.