Let's get ready to rumble!

Day 979, 04:31 Published in Denmark France by Totood The Second

So, finally, here it is; My very own newspaper.
Better late than never, as the old saying goes!

Now, what in the world could the purpose of this newspaper be?
Well, truth be told, I haven't really figured that out myself - but I'll promise you, when I've got a clue, you readers will be the first to know!!

For now, I will keep my subject very simple: Support HrBjorn in getting the Danish Media back to it's "A game"

As we speak, the July congress election is getting double-checked(or so it's claimed...) to make sure nobody used unethical methods for gaining power.
However, it seems like we have yet again succeeded in keeping the eSerbian PTO from getting majority - one big hallelujah for that - by leading the congress with 17-13..

However, had we used our votes better, we could have had a situation with 19-11 instead(Mr. Naizugai had 5 "extra" votes, and both Grev Per and Trezdk had 2 each)..
Those 9 votes could have given us two extra members of congress..

If you would like to help us avoid a situation like this, please sign up on our community: www.erepublik.dk

Our community is also the place where you can get to know more people, and help steer Denmark in the right direction!
Also, the community is an ideal place to ask employers to give you a better job or a raise! 😉

As promised in the beginning of this article, we should bring back the awesomeness to eDenmark's Media..

My first contribution will be to introduce all of you to one of my favourite YouTube channels: The Annoying Orange
The Annoying Orange is the perfect way to celebrate majority in congress!
I mean, can you find a better way to mock the eSerbs?

3 reasons that the annoying orange is actually cool, and not annoying!
1. First of, the Annoying Orange is orange. It might come as a surprise, but he really is. And everybody knows, that orange is THE coolest color - evah!

2. The Annoying Orange has a laughter that beats everybody's! Even Lotte Heise, who is known to be the most (and best) laughing woman in the entire kingdom of Denmark! Probably, she is also the most annoying person to ever put steps on this earth!

3. The Annoying Orange gets to say "Hey (random fruit), knife!", everytime he gets tired of someone. The statement is always followed by a quick chop, and that someone is parted down the middle. How cool is that?

Also, his punchlines rock!

Well - enjoy!