Let's liberate Turkey![VOTE]

Day 1,193, 10:08 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Ilija93

Dear Citizen,

As we all know Turkey was ocupated from Greece.They wouldn't do that if Turkey fight them.Because lot of Bulgarian and Greeks people used illegal scripts Turkey in sign оf revolt they didn't fight them.After they ocupated all regions in Turkey Goverment of Greece sell regions for GOLD.All Turkey for 6000 GOLD.They are BIZZARE!Yesterday Turkey liberate Southeastern Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia.

After a quick consolidation and true professionals who currently lead the politics in eTurkey, rushed to vote their natural enemy.

eTurkey, a friend of Macedonia both in reality and in the game; put our country to vote for an ally, so after voting we will not need to be moved to eTurkey - so we can assist in the attacks at eGreece.
I want to show our true support to eTurkey.

eTurkey will also set up a hospital with massive involvement of those who do not have enough money to maintain themselves. Good news is the fact that the hospital didn’t cost any money to buy.

Link of battle
p.s sorry for some mistakes
pp.s Vote for TOP5 International

Please shout this link http://tinyurl.com/6b4wkl6

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