Lest We Forget, Victory Day

Day 1,762, 13:36 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

Let us take a moment to remember. One year ago tommorrow/today Sept 17th a long standing hold of erep fell for the first time ever. On September 17th 2011 the so called fortress London fell for the first time ever. For over 3 years it stood undefeated and was no small task in the history of the eworld.

There have been few undefeated territories in the history of erep and London was one of the last. The battle I witnessed that day was huge with the entires world population in one place near the end. I doubt there was a country left in the eworld that was not involved in this monumental battle. In all my time in erep which is close to 3 years I had never seen a battle of that magnitude. Millions of damage was like spitting in a barrel at a time when a million was a pretty heavy hit in one fight.

For me it's easy to recall because I was CP of Canada when we took it. Along side some of the greats of erep history Roger Griswald, Patrick O'leary and Ibhoy67, we refused to back from the challenge and I owe all of them a debt of gratitude. We overcame.

Victory Day, should be remembered because it shows what is possible when we work together. Nothing is impossible if you reach out and and work as a team.

Your Goddess,