Leroy Bloodshed - North Districts next Congressman

Day 550, 21:23 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

I'm running May 25th for Congress in our North District and would appreciate your support and vote!!!! 😃

Some Israeli citizens have read about my platform in Israels Forum, for those who haven't, please take the time and check out the link:


As you can see my platform is based on building off of economic growth and stability. This will lead to more diverse companies, reduce the oversaturation of the market, lead to more job opportunities, higher wages, greater selection of goods and products, personal wealth and health, higher employer profits, national economic stability and the continued growth of our nations population and wellbeing.

Another key point in my platform is strengthening our relationships with current allies and founding key alliances. Through our economic stability and growth, our nation will continue to flourish and growth stronger. To help protect that growth we must solidify our relationship with our allies. Maintaining strong ties to our "friends" will prompt those nations to invest in our economy and invest in our nations safety. Only through the strengthening and growth of our relationships with other friendly and allied nations will we be able to truely secure our place in the eworld.

Be forewarned, unlike some individuals who try to flatter the massess with their vast knowledge of vocabulary, I tend to stick to the simple speak, otherwise know as the "straight and narrow". "You can paint a turd gold and it'll look pretty, but its still just a turd, same ol sh*t". I want to hear things straight, not a bunch of bull and as such thats what I offer you. No frills, no thrills, just plain ol truth and honesty. Might be a little boring without all the parades, fanfare and lightshows, but at the end of the day you won't be left scratching your head wondering whats really happening in congress, Israel or the eworld, lol. 🙂

I look forward to serving you and this great nation of ours, remember to vote LEROY BLOODSHED for congress!!!!

Thank you, Leroy Bloodshed

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