Legion Lottery: It Could Be You...(Open to All)

Day 1,860, 23:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jordee14

With the new format Legion Lottery having run for 3 or 4 weeks I though a quick article to summaries the rules was a good idea.

It's Free.
It's open to ALL eUK members.
Entries can be made by commenting at the bottom of the article each week.
A bonus second entry can also be made by Legion members on the forums (with links below).

Prizes will be in Q7 tanks.

1st 100 Tanks
2nd 80 Tanks
3rd 60 Tanks

However none Legion members will only be able to claim half of their prize won I'm afraid.

The remaining tanks will go into a Roll Over pot that will be taken by the next 1st place winning Legion member.

There has been a huge spread of winners so far with non Legion members getting in amongst the prizes despite not many of them entering so far but Legion also having good weeks where they've locked out all the prizes.

So get your ticket each week and spread the word.

For Legion members to enter on the forums all you have to do is register on the eUK forums at www.erepublik.co.uk, apply for Legion access here: Legion Access

Then once you can see it, simply post here! Colloseum

Legion OFFICIAL eUK military.
No political attachment so no messages about voting and joining our party, join us and be part of something lego...

(Disclaimer: Carlini has the right to change the rules when ever he wants)