Leaving the Joke Alliance

Day 941, 10:18 Published in Thailand Austria by Jeff Hamilton

As some of you may know, Thailand is a member of the Sol Alliance. Sol is a joke of an alliance, a glorified debating society that has done nothing for Thailand. It is the laughingstock of the world, and serves only as a way for weak politicians in Singapore and ePhil to try and gain power.

Some of you may have seen this article in the media:


This is a farce! Sol has been running a Charter convention, called by the longtime leader Albert Neurath and the Sol Chairman, Jelly9473. The Charter this convention has written, or at least the parts that I have been shown, is sound and clear. The writer of the above article, Philippines citizen Myung Kei, seems to imply that the convention was called because of dissatisfaction with the charter rewrite.

They think that this moronic convention will accomplish anything? The people who have expressed "reservations" with the Charter rewrite are the same people who almost destroyed Sol before, Singapore's Relorian and Philippines' Hekter. These people are not to be trusted, and want only to throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the Convention because of their own selfish desires for power! Hekter is a noted thief, having stolen 213 GOLD from Sol funds in January, while Relorian once threatened the Chairman of the Sol Alliance in IRC over a comment the Chairman made over Pakistan! Sol is riddled with idiots and fools! The Chairman, his Vice-Chairman, and the Sol Commander are honorable people, who have only the best interests of the alliance at heart. However, by calling this open convention, they risk letting Sol fall into the hands of the same people who destroyed it before!

I cannot stand by and watch the only honest attempt to reform Sol falter because of the voices of a few malcontents! Unless the "new Charter" contains most of the same provisions that the first draft does, I think it is time to leave Sol for good. They have done nothing for us befor. Why should we continue to let them weaken our status with their taint?