Leaving PPC, Joining DAL

Day 504, 17:31 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

When I first joined eRepublik, it was primarily for the politics aspect of the game. I wanted to become active in it and have a say with what happens in eCanada. I was a fan of the Conservatives in RL, so I thought it would be smart to join the PPC. Although the PPC isn't a bad party, it is one of the best. But it is not the party for me. The party is called "progressive" but it is far from that. I saw in the PPC forum whether to put 1ronman in the election or support Bruck. I was disappointed to see that we decided to support Bruck. Bruck has done an admirable job as prime minister, I have nothing against him. But remaining the status quo, makes it boring for me.

I thought that the PPC would be a party of change and one that is different from the rest. I was wrong. The people in the party are great. Raptorfan, Roy Munson and Joey Phillips were my favourites from the party and they are great people. But the direction the party was taking was not for me. The Coalition for Change is something that isn't right for eCanada. There should be different parties in the election, instead of a two-man race. The PPC could've done some damage in the election if 1ronman decided to run, but unfortunately they decided to vote for Bruck.

Which brings me to my party change. I was perfectly content with remaining in the PPC. But I was stumped for an article idea yesterday, and I thought that interviewing Dominik would be a good idea. As I got talking with him, I realized him and the Democratic Action League's party ideas were right for me. They are all about establishing the boomers and newer players as more important parts of Canada. They want major changes and to give everyone a chance to be more involved in eCanada's political system. The party is also a relatively new and one that isn't very populated. I preferred a party with less members so I wouldn't be lost in the mix. So far, the DAL has been the right choice for me.

I am not saying that PPC is a bad party, it is a great one, but only if it is right for you. Next time you are choosing a party, do your research on it. Make sure it is the one for you instead of just joining the best one. Which brings me back to my CP Entry on making the right political party choice. Maybe I made the wrong decision in choosing a party because I lost in that round of the CP Entry.

We are now up to 15 subscribers, and I want to thank everyone who has subscribed. If anyone has any ideas for the newspaper, or any suggestions or comments, PM me, because I would love to hear them. Once again thank you to my subscribers and for those that haven't SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

This is Derek Harland signing off.