Law Proposal 56831

Day 1,071, 12:33 Published in Belarus Belarus by Belarusian Treasury

As you propably are aware, a new law was propose😛
Do you agree to transfer 93000 BYR from the country accounts to Belarusian Treasury?

Belarussian Treasury is an organization meant to serve as the National Bank. At the moment, there are two persons having access to it: Mixliarder and bernard75. The rest of the congress members do not have the password. We are however willing to share it with one trustworthy representative of Nezalezhnaya Belarus, after we receive a confirmation from the Administration that national property is protected from theft.

The transfer is necessary to meet the increased market demand for Belarusian Rubel(BYR).

We invite all Belarusian Parties to join us in the talks concerning this matter or any other on #belarus on QuakeNet.

Government Spokeswoman