Last Minute Votes

Day 828, 14:46 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Current Election Score:
Shaolins: 24
Swiss: 15

Want to know why we're losing so bad? To put it simply, it's because of a series of messed-up eRepublik systems.

First off, the admins decided to screw over the United Party of Switzerland, neutralizing several Resistance leaders, such as myself.

But the real reason we're losing so bad is due to a jacked up eRepublik regional voting system, and a clever political move by the Shaolin government.

How many votes the Shaolin nee😛

How many votes the Swiss nee😛

Why is this happening? When we recaptured Graubunden on the 24th, organized Shaolin operatives quickly moved into to the region, and in a time parameter of only about ten minutes submitted their candidature. There are nine congress seats per region, and the Shaolins ran with practically no rivals. What does this mean? It means that, in essence, they got ten free Congress seats. Well, that's Shaolin democracy for you.

But now we have to look at the implications of this. The Shaolins are ahead by 9 seats. There's almost no way to close that gap. If we do, though, it may make all the difference.

The Presidential Elections are coming up on the 5th. Those elections will not be based on region swapping or political mumbo-jumbo, they'll be based on the pure Swiss versus Shaolin factor.

And I'm confident that the Swiss will win. But if we don't get these Congress seats, it won't matter. The Shaolins will be able to impeach the Swiss president and install their own.

For those of you who have not yet cast your vote, THIS IS THE CRITICAL MOMENT!
Here are the candidates on the border, who can mean the difference between defeat and victory. Vote for them!


For a free eSwitzerland!