Last Chance to Fight For Freedom !

Day 478, 01:47 Published in Indonesia Romania by OchiReci
Last chance to fight for the freedom of your country and to stand in front of your oppression.

Load your inventory with weapons and when your are ready you can do your part in this war here. Be a hero for a fair cause and prove that the dignity and the honor isn't dead in eRepublik.

Don`t click the link if you aren't a men or a woman who not believe in truth and liberty for all and don`t click it if you consider that you are over the world and all need to work for you and in the end don`t click it because you will fight automatically for justice and this might give you future nightmare If you wanna be a servant in another country don`t click it because that war and that fight is for people who want to be free in there own country only.

Show us you want and we will show you we can!