Lacon for Oklahoma

Day 1,275, 00:51 Published in USA USA by Lacon Yan


First of all, I would like to thank USWP staffs for believing me and giving me a chance to run as an official congress candidate for this month of May in the Oklahoma state. This is my first time to run as an official candidate and u hope that the result will be better than before.

As a candidate, here are some of my goals if ever I win as a congressman:

1. I will do my best as a congressmen

- I will do my job as a congressman in the congress as much as possible and do my job for a better America and all its citizens.

2. I will never going to quit as a congress member

- People voted me so I don’t want to waste their votes for me by quitting, this is my promise for those who going to believe in me. “I won’t let you down”

3. I will be a congressman

- These goals will never going to happen if you don’t help me in the election, so please I’m begging for your votes. And I promise that if ever your votes bring me to the congress, I will never going to disappoint you.

So as an official candidate of USWP in Oklahoma, I’m hoping that you will help me in this battle, by doing this in going to help our good congressmen for bringing a better America and in advance, I’m very thankful for those who going to believe in me.

Lacon Yan
US Mobile Infantry
USWP Honor Corps
eUS Ambassdor for eMalysia
Proud eUS Citizen