Labour's Army - Public Information

Day 1,292, 03:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lucky Slevin

People of Ireland,

I am here to give you some information about Labour's Army.

Army Structure:

Lucky Slevin - Commander
Danilo Garcia - Second in Command
Patrick O'leary - Supply Officer
Kurdt Fradenburg - In Charge of Recruiting

Members (in alphabetical order):

Ahmet IkInci
Danilo Garcia
Dorian Gray III
Kurdt Fradenburg
Lucky Slevin
Patrick O'leary*
Paul Crawls
Winston Hope Smith

*Also a member of ICA, working for LA with a "special member" status.


You have to work in one of our communes to get supplies. LA members get their supplies one day in advance.


We've been recieving donations from many comrades:

Labour's Army, Thomas Keesman, RSP(Radikal Sol Parti - Radical Left Party, Turkey)

We were getting donations from Thomas Keesman, RSP members and more people before we've decided to create LA. I'd like to thank you all for your help.

Thank you for your time.
Labour's Army

- Long live ILP and free eIreland!