La lupta, fratii mei! / To war, my brothers!

Day 476, 15:56 Published in Romania Romania by nickconnect

In aceasta ora tarzie din noapte, nu pot sa nu observ preocuparea romanilor sa-si apere ceea ce au cucerit dovada sta batalia cu Indonezia
pt Volga-Vyatka Region, unde deocamdata zidul sta bine, a ajuns la 163041 in acest moment. Cu siguranta, dupa cateva zile EXTREM de nefaste pt natiunea eRomana, a venit timpul sa strangem randurile si sa facem tot posibilul sa aparam ceea ce e al nostru, chiar daca nu de drept.
Nu am decat un indemn: ROMANI, STRANGETI RANDURILE!!! E timpul sa dovedim ca suntem cei mai buni! Lasa-ti-i pe ungurii ca si Zoli sa spamuiasca si FACETI-VA DATORIA!
Felicitari TANCURILOR NOASTRE si TUTUROR ce au pus umarul la aceasta ultima batalie ce se va incheia undeva astazi mai pe dimineata si cred ca va consfinti victoria noastra, a eRomaniei, deocamdata.
Stiu ca sunt un pion nesemnificativ in marea lupta ce se da in aceasta frumoasa lume virtuala a eRepublik dar va asigur ca voi face tot ce pot pt a pune si eu umarul in bataliile ce le vom purta contra dusmanilor nostri.

ULTIMA ORA: avem ordine ce apar in articolul de mai jos, trebuie sa-i batem pe indonezieni. Link aici:
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English version here:

In this late hour of the night, I cannot not see the concern of Romanians to defend what they have won so far, the proof is the battle with Indonesia
for Volga-Vyatka Region, where for the moment the wall is fine, has reached 163041 at the moment.
Surely, after several days of EXTREMELY not good for eRomanian nation, it is time to strengthen our lines and to do everything is possible to defend what is ours, even if not rightfully ours.
I have only one urge: ROMANIANS, STRENGTHEN YOUR LINES! It's time to prove we are the best! Let the Hungarians and Zoli do their spam and DO YOUR DUTY!
Congratulations TO OUR TANKS and TO ALL that put shoulder to the last battle that will end somewhere in today morning and I think that this will consecrate our victory of eRomania, for now.
I know I am an insignificant pawn in the great struggle which is given in this beautiful virtual world of eRepublik but I'm assuring you that I will do everything I can and I will put the shoulder in the battles that we will wear against our enemies.

LAST HOUR: We received orders that appear in the article below, we have to beat the Indonesians. Link here: