Lá resistance, Scandinavia, baby booms and Elections.

Day 681, 09:42 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis
Confusion, illusion
The nation that you took from me
Is one in which I wont burn
Because you wont learn that this is my turn to return

Revolution Revolución - ll Niño

Dirty communists causing trouble
Western Sibera. Potentially the most important region in the game, with regards to worth of Raw Materials. Some of the largest, and most important battles in eRepublik history have been faught here; Indonesia V Romania. Both countries in their prime, waging gargantuan battles across this region. Indonesia have owned the region, originally Russian territory, for several months now, following on from several months of occupation by Romania.

A group of communists, seen here have taken it upon themselves to finance a resistance war in this region, in the hope of returning it to Russia; they appear to be a bunch of unsettled individuals who want to ‘stick it to the man’, to use a well known phrase. A bunch of hormone addled, angsty teenagers, seeking attention.

Now, the issue of WSR is a sticky one for both Russia, and Indonesia. Russia, naturally, would like it back. However, out and out war with Indonesia, allies who’ve helped so much over recent months, is not something the majority of Russians appear to want. Indonesia have built their economy around this region; so many of their companies are located there, losing the region in such a sudden fashion would probably cripple them economically. Ironically, the sudden, unexpected influx of jobs into Russian territory that would also happen, would be a giant kick to the teeth for the Russian job market; with the supply of jobs outweighing the demand, wages would most likely fall, many companies would be put out of business through massive competition problems, and so forth. Essentially, it is a really bad situation for both sides; and there is no right side to this argument.

Officially, Russia, Indonesia, and PEACE GC are against this resistance war. Russia, and Indonesia, for the reasons stated above; for now, the situation will stay the same until both sides sit down, and talk about it. PEACE has spoken out against it, not for the reasons above, but because, and I quote. it being completely unannounced and giving absolutely no room for negotiation and healthy diplomatic talks. Contrary to popular belief, we do prefer talking about things to just starting wars. Random wars cost currency and gold that we can use to attack countries that actually deserve it, for instance.

Those dirty Vikings
They’re up to some tricks up there, in the cold arctic wastes. Region swaps, here there and everywhere. Basically, their plan appears to be, wiping their ally off the map, in order to close open wars. This of course makes the UK even safer, as we don’t have MPPs activated against us if they succeed; Thank you EDEN. You’re doing more for us as enemies than you ever did as allies.

Of course, it’s not all good news. My previous article explains the losses, why they obviously aren’t good, why they happened, and the silver lining to the rather rainy cloud.

Italian baby boom? Yes please
The Italians in thie game have had pretty rubbish luck as far as things go recently. Croatian takeovers, economic problems, various other internal problems, and so forth. They are beginning to get back on their feet now by the looks of things; which is great news. They’re also trying to organise a baby boom; a large influx of new players to populate their country, making it stronger, richer, and more powerful long term.

Site 1 – Click OK in the top left corner.
Site 2 – Click Votato in the top left corner.

Between these two sites, they hope to achieve lots of publicity for the game, and Italy in particular. Italy are a pretty great country who’ve hit a streak of bad luck, and I appeal to each of you out there to click the links, and help them. It only takes a few seconds, and the benefit to allies could be immeasurable.

Prime Minister elections
In only a few days, we will be voting to choose the leader of the UK for the next month. GLaDOS vs. Mr Woldy. Two capable candidates, both with different ideas on how to run the country. All I can add to this debate is the following; GLaDOS is a great guy to work with, he really knows his stuff. Mr Woldy is just a really nice, decent guy, who’s been active within the Ministry for Home Affairs almost since pressing the sign up button. Regardless of whom you vote for, I don’t think the UK will end up a smouldering wreck. Vote based on policies as opposed to party, and all will be well. We’ll be seeing manifestos, plans, ideas, and so forth for the next few days, so stay tuned, watch the media, and make the smart choice on the 5th.

Minister of Defence and Foreign affairs.