Kyushu Incident and Chain of Events to Follow

Day 755, 06:35 Published in Japan Japan by exReality
People of Japan,

A chain of events sparked like a forest fire after Dokomo issued his ultimatum on Phoenix, outlining the freedom of the Chinese region owned by Iran, was denied. Soon after Dokomo kept his word stated on the Ultimatum and Kyushu was retreated to America. America quickly attacked Chugoku to activate Japan's MPP with China.The following events will truly decide the outcome of Japan's stance for many months to come. With this move and the Phoenix's rejection of the ultimatum, it is clear that Japan can no longer hold onto its beloved neutrality. No matter how many times we state we are neutral, this statement will no longer hold true.

Three of the Korean regions has been simultaneously RWed by an unknown citizen of another nation. The Japanese Congress and the government has been planning return the South Korean regions and now is an excellent opportunity to execute that plan. South Korea has been a part of Japan after a peaceful merge and that union was broken when the Theocrats took control of two regions. We will continue to collaborate with the true Korean government until they finally find peace at their home country.

During this uncertain time, rumors of a Russian invasion lingers and a threat to destroy our national sovereignty possibly looms closer. Russia does indeed carry an MPP with Japan, but this MPP can be easily shattered if Russia decides to attack China. To prepare for this possible upcoming threat, many in the congress have been proposing various MPPs which they believe should be utilized to prevent any future menace.

Because of these chain of events, the present calls for a time of action. We cannot turn back to the path we have taken. Japan can no longer be a neutral nation. We will fight for what we believe is righteous and what we believe will be the best course of action for Japan. Japan has never sat idly during the time of need and we will continue on that road of action with the remembrance of the ideals we hold dear.

We will march on to the future, proudly and we will not regret any actions that has been taken place in the past and present. We have taken the path that we believed was the for Japan. Everything which has happened will happen for the best, and we as a nation will move on. However, the split between Japanese politics has been growing and there will be many conflicts to come. Internal and external struggle has been ever-increasing these months and this chasm grows even wider. But we as a nation, will move on proud and these events will be forever-branded into our memories during our far-away days of Peace and Prosperity.

Long Live Japan!
Ten Thousand Years!