Kraj ciklusa sahovskih turnira za 2021.

Day 5,185, 01:16 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dejan Rackov 1999


Dragi ljubitelji saha,
Zavrsen je i sesti ,,veliki" turnir za ovu godinu. Iskoristicu ovu priliku da cestitam sampionu turnira, igracu Sasi Kosticu, koji je na taj-brejk bio bolji od naseg vicesampiona, Marka Klisa. Cestitke i zahvalnice i svim ostalim igracima na lepoj i postenoj igri tokom celog turnira.
Sve ostale detalje mozete videti na sledecem linku.
Zadnja stvar u vezi sa ovim turnirom je nagrada za lepoticu, najlepsu partiju turnira, a ovaj put to je ubedljivo bila ova partija u kojoj je Marko Klis trijumfovao nad TheOldMan67. Kako su za ovako lepu partiju potrebna dva izvrsna igraca, obojica zasluzuju nagradu i pohvale!

Ovim je i zvanicno zavrsen sesti turnir u ciklusu za 2021. godinu, a samim time i celokupni ciklus. Mi vas pozivamo da ucestvujete u sledecem turniru, u kojem cemo ostati na tempu igre koji je standardizovan prethodnih godina, 15+0.

Propozicije prvog turnira za 2022.:
1) Igra se po svajcarskom sistemu, 7 ili 9 kola, u zavisnosti od broja prijavljenih igraca
2) Igra se na sajtu
3) Tempo igre je 15 minuta po igracu
4) Kako bismo osigurali postenu igru i objektivno resavanje bilo kakvih sporova medju igracima, postoji arbitarski tim, a pozivnice za njega bice izdate odmah po izdavanju ovog clanka
5) Turnir pocinje 04.02.2022.
6) Na kraju turnira bice izvrseno glasanje za najlepsu partiju turnira, sa nagradom od 20 golda za pobednicku stranu partije, kao i 10 za igraca koji je izgubio.(15-15 ako je partija remi)
Kako je ovo privatni poduhvat u organizaciji mene i Damia, svaka donacija je dobrodosla i stoprocentno ide u nagradni fond
Srpska Saborna Stranka........................................100.000cc

Vazne napomene
- Nagrade se dele na osnovu konacnog plasmana
- Nagrade dobijaju iskljucivo igraci koji odigraju sve svoje partije ili ne odigraju najvise jednu partiju


Dear chess lovers,
The sixth "big" tournament of the year is finished I'll use the occasion to congratulate the champion of the tournament, player Sasa Kostic, who edged out our vice champion Marko Klis in the tie-breaks. Congratulations and thanks to all the other players as well, for beautiful and fair play all tournament long.
All finer details can be found on this link.
The last thing about the tournament is the brilliancy prize, a prize for the most beautiful game of the tournament, this time overwhelmingly won by this game where Marko Klis triumphed over VelAco. As such a beautiful game takes two outstanding players, they both deserve praise and rewards!

With this, the sixth tournament of the 2021 circuit is officially finished, as is the 2021 circuit as a whole. We invite you to participate in the next one, where we will stay with the time control standardized for such tournaments over the last few years, 15+0.

Tournament rules:
1) Swiss system, 7 or 9 rounds, depending on the number of players
2) We play on
3) Time control is 15 minutes per player
4) To ensure fair play and objective resolution to any argument between players, there is an international arbiter team, invitations to which will be sent out soon after this article is published
5) Tournament starts on February 4th 2021 (04.02.2021.)
6) At the end of the tournament a vote will be held to decide the most beautiful game of the tournament, with a prize of 20 gold for the winning side of the game and 10 gold for the losing side, or, in a case of a draw a 15-15 split.
As this is a private endeavor organized by me and Damio, all donations are welcome and will go to the prize fund in full
Srpska Saborna Stranka........................................100.000cc

Important notes
- Rewards are distributed according to the final standings
- To earn their rewards, a player must play all their games, or miss at most one of them