Kovacskoko goes to Matzalandia

Day 570, 06:17 Published in Indonesia Hungary by Quicksilver
Kovacskoko goes to Matzalandia

Well, we all know Kovacskoko. Even those know him who have never seen him, never met with him, never talked to him. We know him by the famous 'koko' articles, the ones that are kicking asses, making fun of funny people, and making eyes widen all over the world - but especially when he takes his paper, the Black Market News to our dearest neighbour, eRomania to kick some matza-asses and good-humouredly spam media there.

He is going to kick some of the implanted matzanesian asses now, if we help him; he is running for party presidency in the infamous Matzanesia Party, in order to rename it to Epic Fail Party, which is its correct name now. Let us all help him who are in Indonesia now, let us show these sorry matzanesians what a real Hungarian party TO looks like, and let us show a certain finger to all who thought to break the friendship between eIndonesia and eHungary.

On the election day, join to Matzanesian Ruling Elite Party, and vote for Kovacskoko!

Let us kick their asses for once and all - out of Indonesia, back home to where they belong to!

Vote for Kovacskoko!

