Koolmanjack for Party President of DAL Party

Day 565, 21:27 Published in Canada Canada by koolmanjack

I am formally declaring my candidacy for the Party President of the Democratic Action League. I am doing so in a unique time in eCanada and erepublik. From the collapse of ATLANTIS, the betrayal of Germany, the ascension of Jacobi to the Presidency after the reign of Bruck and the CEP, to the several recent robberies of government funds, these are times that test the resolve of the best leader. It is also a remarkable time in the DAL party, with our ever expanding influence and for the first time in our party’s history, a legitimate competition for party leader. My competition, Derek Harland, former congressmen from NFLD and an accomplished journalist, will provide more than an ample challenge for myself, but one which I gladly look forward to. In the following paragraphs I will highlight what I plan to accomplish as party president if i get so elected.

1) New players
Our party begins and ends with new players, for a couple of simple reasons. The first is that they are often marginalized by the more experienced players, with the exception of a few unique individuals who find success quickly. These are the players that need the most help in learning the basics of the game, being able to afford food and other needs, and feeling that they are included and are relevant in the eCanada community. As party leader, i would continue DAL’s tradition of standing up for and being a voice for newer players, through the continued development of the DAL charity, through personal contact with individuals, and through the promotion of public policies such as more generous grants to new players that have proven to be active in eCanada. I also want to assure older players that I am not anti-older players, but that older players enjoy connections and wealth newer players don’t have access to. Overall, it is important that players feel included in eCanada and in the DAL party and that they will be listened to. As president, votes on important issues such as policy will be done by vote so that everyone can have a say in the decision process. If our party achieves electoral success, i hopeto include newer players into govt, even if just in deputy or other minor roles initially.

2) Platform
It will be written asap. Hopefully a rough draft can be presented soon in the forums, from which party members can debate the platform, have it revised, then voted on. It will use elements of the great platforms of Dominik past, with the needed updated, additions and ideas to make it the template and document that is the basis of other party.

3) Recruitment
Greater work must be done in this field, and as Party President, i promise to develop and expand our current efforts, to share strategies better and to come up with in ones, in terms of how we recruit, what we say, and who says it. I will create a committee to run recruitment, which will have goals to meet and will be able to target potential members and develop voter lists

4) Wellness
This is a very important issue that does not get talked about enough, but is vital to the success of eCanada. While measures such as training wars have helped, as president, I would continue to promote our charity to help with new player’s , wellness, as well as lobby government as a congressman and party president to establish a public awareness campaign on the importance of wellness and on ways to keep it high. High wellness matters to us all, especially business owners and hockey managers. Making sure hospitals continue to be built, especially in low population regions, and continued development of the CHS are vital. A healthy eCanada is a stronger eCanada. As party president, a charity committee will be established to better develop donation drives and to help new players increase wellness.

5) Government accountability
The drum that is always thumping and no one seems to be able to deal with it. Whether it is the inability to charge anyone with the recent robberies or an inability to get government to tell us voluntarily what instead must be leaked out and forced out, such as a deciding on wither to possibly join PEACE without informing the public. As president, enforcement of the transparency act, creating a relevant supreme court, and far more oversight over government institutions would be priorities.

Thank you
koolmanjack, DAL congressman for the Yukon