Kongressfag review and update

Day 982, 10:04 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S
Hello faggots,

Another Kongressional election as come and gone and once again SEES was able to thrust its way towards the top in terms of number of members elected. Not only was SEES able to get several members elected, but the quality of members elected is the best out all the parties bar none. Among those elected, we have two media moguls and a former vice-president. Those elected have a combined 28 Kongressional terms between them. We elected three former Kongressman as well as five new Kongressman. This shows that our party respects those of old power, but is not afraid to let new members have a shot at experiencing the joys of Kongress. Clearly the talent pool is deep and thick here at SEES.

Though a successful Kongress election, SEES has not even begun to reach its full potential. When we do reach our full potential it will shake this entire game to its core and probably kill everyone. In our quest for full potential, we ask if you are interested to join our party as we shape this nation. As a result of their success on getting elected, we would now like to personally recognize and kongratulate each individual elected.

Publius is a nine term Kongressman and one of the most notable of all eUSA citizens. If you do not know who he is then shame on you. Legend has it, that a shear pump of his fist can impregnate women all over the world.
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PrincessMedyPi is a six term Kongressbitch who has recently returned to us from a hiatus, much to the chagrin of some. As the saying goes though haters gonna hate. What can’t be denied is the wealth of experience and knowledge that she brings to the table. PrincessMedyPi is also one of two Kongressman that are being considered for the esteemed role of Speaker of the House.

Gulden Draak
Gulden Draak is a virgin to Kongress, but by no means a virgin to the game, as he had his cherry popped almost a year ago. Many may recognize Gulden from his famous paper The Paper Mache

Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday is a nine term Kongressman who is heavily involved with Kongress. She sends out daily messages to Kongressman informing them of their duties for the day. Rainy has also been picked by presidential hopeful Fionia to be her Vice-President. It should be noted that Fionia will not be successful in her presidential bid.

Matthew Smith the awesomeness
Matthew Smith the awesomeness, also known as MSTA because of his long fucking name, is a virgin to Kongress, and has been attempting to break in for months now. Finally, success. Though a newfag, MSTA has already become very involved in Kongress spending a great deal of time in the Kongress forums. MSTA’s activity in Kongress is a great sign for the future even though it is agreed my many that he sucks.

Pauly Walnutz
Another newfag congressfag, Pauly is mostly known for his strange avatar and affection for Top Gun thus affirming his extreme faggotry . Despite this fact, we here at SEES welcome Pauly to Kongress and we are confident he will do a fantastic job. It is expected that Walnuts will officially propose that Top Gun to kongress any day now.


Our man Paladn narrowly beat out a sneaky PTO’er, with the help of the good people from ATO and with enough fuck-ups to go around, everyone’s favorite tard got into Kongress with a ridiculous sniping effort in the last moment. The whole country hangs its head in shame. Anyways great jerb Paladn.

Surprisingly, we did not win every race. While you clean up your crapped-in pants, allow me to highlight our best losers.

But we should point out a valiant attempt by an unknown. First time candidate mohe3439 undertook a massive effort on his own and managed to get himself 6 votes, only to be sniped out by UIP faggot general, Justin McCocksucker. Good job, new guy~!~

If you look at his profile you will notice that he does not have a Kongressional medal. BoxOfAids ran in Andra Predesh(AP) and due to a massive travesty AP was captured in a Resistance War. Though not able to serve this term, we would like to recognize BoxOfAids for winning his election.

The race for Glove was a strange one. Behind closed doors, where elections are actually decided, Der Furher showed the Federalists great mercy when he told them that he would concede his election if they promised to work with him to keep Ajay out of kongress by electing Glove. However, halfway into the day, the Federalist candidate mysteriously had seven votes, the same amount that Glove had. Now, I’m not saying that the Federalists sent votes to their guy early so that the FEC would decide to vote for him, but jdr is a faggot. So, I had to get some aggressive negotiations done, and FEC started sending voters to Glove. Strangely enough, the Federalist candidate received no more votes after that. I am glad that his voters who are mysterious and unknown and not Fed voters chose not to vote for him anymore.

Anyways, this whole mess wouldn’t have come to pass if it weren’t for Dennis McVicker running Ajay. He tried to mock me in IRC about it, and it was horrible that he would sink to such depths to try to be funny. Clearly, Dennis McVicker is too risky for TAMA.


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