Day 2,421, 00:41 Published in Australia Chile by Bree K

Knighthawks Military Council party
President: F0rse7i | Vice president: bk83
Secretary-General: ronnyJnrJnr | Councillor: LanyIsLost | Spokesman: Camshaft

Hi EAustralia

As announced in the last party newsletter this is a new column i'm starting that talks about our greatest asset. Our members. I've asked some questions that come to mind talking about the game and tried to bring out the juice 🙂

Welcome to Knighthawk profiles.
Today's KNIGHTHAWK PROFILES #1 BOUD1CCA aka Louise Brooks

1. Thanks Louise for doing this. How did you get introduced to EREP?

I saw a reference to the game in a players posts in another game and so I came here out of curiosity. First thing I saw when I signed up was that NSW was Indonesian and things went from there.

The nature of my work these days makes it a bit hard to be involved in any meaningful way because I haven't the time these days to get into IRC constantly.

2. How long have you played?

Off and on I have been playing eRep a little over 3 years.

3. What attracted you to Knighthawks?

I am impressed by the Knighthawks because of their philosophy and because it seems that they are active and organised, more so it seems than other parties that are equally worthy.

4. What sets Knighthawks apart from other parties in your opinion?

To me it seems that eAus is going through its very own zombie apocolypse, and that the Knighthawks will be the party that will pick things up again and continue when all the present BS goes away.

With Knighthawks you know where you stand and what you get from players before and after elections is fairly similar. To put it another way there are no shocks or surprises.

Knighthawks were built with game mechanics in mind and zero agendas: win what we can today, fight for future success, build for tomorrow. It's the real eAustralian never give up attitude and it encourages all players to strive for more than the here and now not just to satisfy what a select group wants.

5. Who was your favourite prime minister and why? (doesn't have to be a Knighthawk)

I cannot say who is my favourite prime minister. I am impressed by a type of player, one who is calm, measured, inclusive and effective. There have been several in that role since I have started playing. Such players tend not to self promote and because of this one takes them for granted; they are like sunlight and gravity. You miss them by their absence.

Certainly there have been no players of that stature as CP for the past 6 months or so.

6. If you could change one aspect of the game what would it be

It seems that Australia's newspaper content is dead in the water. There are too many self-promotional articles over collective promotional articles and when you find the latter the content is lacking. While some are still here they are silent while our most public deep thinkers are gone from game life.

If anyone doubts this, compare Australia's efforts in that area with Ireland. To my mind, the publications are a measure of the health of the Australian community - I hate to say it but the outlook seems bleak but there's always hope.

##end profile##

Thanks to Louise for allowing me to do her profile. I'd like to do other Knighthawks so please send me a message.

Disclaimer: profiles are the views of the members and not of me or the party.

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