Kill Corruption, Recreate Canada, Vote the Good Party

Day 580, 05:02 Published in Canada Canada by Parachuter

There is so much corruption in Canada--- some reasons for greed, some reasons so miniscule that they are ridiculous. Peeling through all the processes Canada has created, regardless of the laws and rules, so many political leaders have no respect at all for Canada's citizens or democracy.

Canadians need to reclaim their votes; because our votes are our voices and for far too long we have been mistaken and misrepresented by crooked scum. Don't support the ones who are looking to massage their egos, or a nice treat for their ambitions. They are misguided and lost on the true reasons to run for congress, to run as presidential candidates of Canada. It is ludicrous and it must be put to an end.

Support the good people of Canada. Citizens just like yourself, who want diversity in Canada's living. Simple solutions to big issues. We need to put Canada's resources into play for permanent prosperity. We need to buy Quality Five-star hospitals and support our neighbouring provinces. We need to work together. If you think it's ridiculous for a Canadian citizen in Alberta to promote the cost of Q5 hospitals, please reconsider. This is an investment into Canada.

We need to start looking at PEI, New Brunswick, every Q1 hospital province and see how little they have grown as provinces. We need to attach our identities of Canada to ALL parts of Canada.

Don't be dead on the highway like the rest of them. There is so much evil in the world. Vote for a party that represents good. Let's recreate Canada. Hold a mirror up to our society.