Kentucky here I come!

Day 1,277, 19:33 Published in USA USA by TylerYates

Hello Kentucky and everyone.

I am TylerYates, I am running for Congress in Kentucky this month. I am a private in the Mobile Infantry and have been so for 3 months, I am also a member of the UIP for little over a month now. I have been active in both and will be as active in Congress as I am in those two.

In Congress I want to try to better our economy, although I am not the most experienced and knowing about the economy I will learn all I can to try to better it. I also want better the relations between JCS and Congress; it is long past that both sides get over these differences and get along. Yes I am part of the JCS military/militia or whatever you want to call it. But that will not be a problem, I will try to remain as neutral as I can and see both sides.

On the 25th vote TylerYates in Kentucky for a more diverse Congress with new blood. Thank you for your time and reading this, I will leave you with the beautiful Miss Kentucky 2011.