Keep Old Superalliance Garbage Out of New South Africa!

Day 712, 14:51 Published in South Africa Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician

I’ve been in and out of South Africa since it re-emerged from oblivion. I’ve known people like Ines Schumacher and Enoch Root for months, and I’m proud to call them friends. Ever since I heard of South Africa coming back from the dead, I’ve been intrigued about the people who were part of that community, those who negotiated for their re-emergence. I wanted to be part of something like that, maybe someday I will, but until that happens, I’ll probably continue to pop in.

This is a community which has done a lot of things right, from peacefully negotiating their very existence, to fending off the Ajay Bruno cult as easily as swatting away a fly. They’ve maintained “neutrality”, whatever that is, in spite of having Indonesia still owning half the original country. They take part of the Sol wargames and have build Q5 hospitals. They’ve created programs to take care of their own; a few weeks ago, I pitched for the World Alliance of Truth, to which I was told in the comments, thanks, but charity starts at home, and to my delight, those weren’t the words of an isolationist community telling the rest of the world to go to hell, but of a tightly-knit family with actions to back up that declaration. They’re pushing for a baby-boom in order to boost population. It’s a slow push, a steady grind, but these are people who not only know what they’re doing, they’ve kept their community in tact.

The last thing South Africa needs is to get itself caught up in the aggressive, chaotic, and completely vain War of the Superalliances.

There has been talked by suits and wannabe-suits, that South Africa should become part of EDEN, the largest fragment of the dead ATLANTIS alliance. When coupled with the might of the United States, apparently taking their near-death experience completely for granted and seeking to start the same old tired ATLANTIS garbage again by unleashing PTO and RW mercenaries, ATLANTIS Junior is seeking to meet the current bully on the block, PEACE, blow for blow, thrust for thrust. Between them, they seek to split the world into two camps, two evil empires; there is nothing to morally, ethically, honorably, or spiritually separate the two, and aside from different rosters of client nations, they are twins.

Becoming just another leaf on the EDEN tree is going to take away something special that is growing in South Africa, something rare, something essential, something you lose when you sell out to the superalliances. That’s called identity, and that’s something South Africa has, and so many countries who give into the superalliance threat for the sake of security don’t. It’s something that’s built, struggled for. It’s also something you lose when you allow someone else to call the shots in your country.

I’ve watched the UK deal with PEACE elitists, selling off Scotland to Hungary to allow them to invade North America, all for the low low price of a bright and shiny Q5 hospital. Eventually they voted them out, but not until their handpicked Prime Minister forced a war with Sweden down the UK’s throats, a war they lost. Now they’re moving onto Japan, a country less than thrilled with being part of a warmongering cult, staying in the alliance in the hope of returning it to its “defensive” stature; PEACE is seeking to reel in Japan and make it a more obedient subject.

On the flipside, you have a reconstituted ATLANTIS: new name, new management, same crap. Romanians plant dead citizens in rival countries, and when they are revived with automatic citizenship, all of EDEN cheers the ingenuity of a new form of PTO. The US “liberates” Flanders from the United Netherlands, using RW and PTO tactics and the transparent excuse of freedom, whatever that is, and all of EDEN cheers the emergence of their new PTO champion, Seal Team 6.

Anyone who talks about being part of EDEN or PEACE wants South Africa to be part of THIS.

In so many things, in the real world and at eRepublik, people come up to me and say I have to pick a side. Republican or Democrat. Liberal or conservative. Yankees or Red Sox. Coke or Pepsi. They’re all false choices, and sometimes, dammit, I’d just like to guzzle a Mountain Dew.

It is the same way with ATLANTIS and PEACE, a false choice between two bad ideas.

For me, when presented the false choice, I choose honor. I choose integrity. I choose a country keeping its identity, no matter the price, as opposed to succumbing to superalliance intimidation, because, truly, what good does it do to protect the boundaries of a nation if there’s nothing inside worth protecting? I choose people who want something more than theft, backstabbing, and bullying as a way of life. I choose people who aren’t so pigheaded as to fight fire with fire, but are wise enough to simply grab a frikking water hose.

Picking a superalliance for a master is picking the lesser of two evils. Isn’t there enough evil to contend with? Aren’t there already too many false choices for you to make? You don’t have to pick evil here. You don’t have to crack off a piece of your national soul for the sake of empire masquerading as defense alliances. You don’t have to side with one set of bastards over the other and then have to justify your choice when they manhandle their own client nations or play PTO’s in their neverending posturing. You can reach into the fridge and grab a Mountain Dew.

South Africa’s got something special going on here. They didn’t need EDEN to get this, because this has nothing to do with handing a problem to the superalliances and letting them play tug-of-war with it. They have a country because their community negotiated for it. They have some degree of security because they used diplomacy. They’ve done the right thing, and they’ve built something they can be proud of. It is unique and still pristine. Do not let either PEACE or ATLANTIS Junior get their dirty fingers on it.