Karriäristen Defenstration och FHD (EN).

Day 778, 08:22 Published in Sweden Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Jag kommer att skriva artikeln i engelska så att resten av den "döda rörelsen" också kan följa med vad kontra-revolutionären Defenstration håller på med.

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Revolutionary greetings, comrade.

I'm Maksim Chuikov, a member of the Communist Party - Soviet Union, in eRussia. I'm a close associate with the far-left party in eSweden known as Folket. I've noticed a new movement arising in eSweden consisting of careerists, this party is known as FHD. The founders of FHD were centrists whom broke away from the far-left party Folket with arguments such as "Folket being too radical" and "not placing realistic goals". Our so-called comrade Defenstration has recently published a new theoretical work known as "the downfall of eCommunism". This is a work where he describes his wide-range of knowledge from his participation in various far-left parties around the New World.

Let me begin by introducing comrade Defenstration, as we've come to know him from his participation in our movement. Comrade Defenstration made his first significant move when he founded the North Korean Workers Party in eNorth Korea. In eNorth Korea he was pushing a hard anti-bourgeoise propaganda campaign against a much larger community, similiar to Flashback Sweden. Yet he dares to publish an article explaining the downfall of eCommunism where teenagers are taking over with their slappy anti-bourgeoise rhetoric. The NKWP was considered in the international movement as the most totalitarian party with Defenstration in the vanguard. His ultimate goals have been questioned over and over: was he a careerist or a comrade?

Defenstration is also known for being the first e-revolutionary to create an international police organization. Here too, do we see his lust for ultimate power. The simple structure in his organization was him as the absolute leader and his friend (whom I won't mention) as the right-hand man.

Comrade Defenstration claims to have changed his way-of-playing, this is not the case however. We've seen him attempting to gain power through methods which he's currently criticizing, methods that he has been using. Here's a clear example of his rhetoric against a comrade against his political rivals. Today he's changed orientation in eSweden and released an article in the eSwedish forums, criticizing the eCommunist movement, with the ultimate goal to gain as much support as possible for his new party, the FHD.

I urge all of you whom have considered the possibility of joining the FHD to reconsider.

- M. Chuikov