Karacticus: War and Calculators : Military and Economics Manifesto

Day 835, 07:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

And now the concluding installment of my exciting two part manifesto…
Pay attention I’m about to talk money and maths…Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!

Economics/Finance/Tax: Just Da Facts

At present we are a very poor nation. Months of war have reduced our reserves to something which resembles the bank account of a church mouse with a bad cheese habit. This month we will be required to push the boundaries in our fiscal policy and think a little outside the box.

However, before we move outside of our box (mines an empty Weetabix box), let us examine my governments general taxation policy.

Tax and Your Economy

At the moment we’re producing more than we’re consuming. This means that as much as a third of the goods that we produce at full employment aren't consumed. Which in turn means companies are forced to lower wages to survive, which consequently means they have less money to spend on goods, so the value of the £ relative to stuff is increasing.

By reducing taxes we will increase take-home wages and increase spending, which will partly help to slow the downward-spiral, though there is nothing we as a government can do will stop it. Only the admins have the power to do that.

Now the fun stuff

For this month I would like to see the implementation of the following two projects:

The Ministry of Profit

Or a less obvious name
The government will either own or sub-contract deals with various companies to sell abroad at fixed prices backed by government contracts. This could also be expanded to stocking companies. You pay a fixed price for say 500 grain and then a ministry worker buys the grain and donates it to your company so you don't have to do it. Serbia makes quite a lot on this, because of their reputation for being a reliable source of higher quality goods which are notoriously hard to get hold of on the black market due to demand.

Commercial Bank of England

At the moment the Bank of England basically performs two main functions- setting and distributing taxes and monitoring and trading on global monetary markets. The proportion of taxed income to MM income is very steep, we make a lot more from taxes in one day than from all income sources combined.

Our main financial goal for the future is to take a lead from Welsh hill farmers and try to diversify.

One way to do that is to create two new branches to the Bank of England. One is very simple, and tried and tested- banking. By opening the BoE for banking purposes, we could open the door to taking peoples money from them voluntarily. Interest could be paid in GBP. We can use the gold to trade currency and so on, it also gives us a greater amount of capital for part 2.

We trade inter-country. The reason I suggest this is that on an alliance level countries are always running out of gold in wars. At the minute they tend to beg and sometimes they get it, sometimes they don't. A bank which could guarantee loans, with interest rates and flexible repayment times would be an excellent stopping measure.

Having 5k gold in the bank is all very well, but as economists will be able to tell you the world over there is only so much you can do to get that gold circulating and making more money whilst maintaining a war fund. International lending would help cement the UK's place as the global financial capital and provide us with an additional source of income.

If we make a 1000 gold loan at 5% interest we're talking about 50g a period, which is easy money.

Now that I have suitably melted your mind or sent you into a deep sleep…

Wake UP! It’s Military Time

Previous ministers of defence have left a good infrastructure in place and the current military command have done an excellent job and I hope that should I win they are willing to continue their work. Government is simply here to help fund and direct the placement of our forces. It would be irresponsible of me to suddenly begin sweeping changes based on how I think things should work, however, with the imminent arrival of V2 some restructuring will need to take place in order to effect a smooth transition.

I have no plans to remove any of the current branches of our military. However, I will stress this, as we move closer to V2 we will all need to work together to produce a detailed and workable plan to help our military adapt to the changes. This will be done with Military Command and we will also consult all members of our armed forces to find out their opinions and feelings towards any improvements we plan to make.


We currently have three main branches of our Military, The Navy, Marines and Paratroopers. It is my opinion that this will need to be expanded for the arrival of V2. Therefore I will look to recreate the RAF, which will serve as a lower tier to the Paratroopers. To my mind the RAF would mirror the Navy in its set up. This will be a gradual process and only put into operation when all sides of the command structure are happy.

Many of you will wonder why we need an extra division, however, with a complete change to the war module in the pipe line we need to adapt. With people being given the opportunity to specialise in different fighting skills, helicopter, tanks and artillery, dividing these skills into defined branches seems like the sensible option.

RAF/Paratrooper: Helicopters
Royal Navy/Royal Marines: Tanks

Each branch of the military will also gain a division of artillery riflemen. However this could expand into it’s own regiment depending on the uptake by citizens.

For me this idea represents the starting point from which we can expand. There are already discussions occurring within Military HQ with regards to the best possible way forward. I must stress that the above option is an idea, nothing more. I would not proceed without major consultation with our Military Command as I am sure that they are far more adept at creating a solid working plan for V2 when it occurs. With this in mind we move nicely into my next idea.

Military Improvement Council

In order to make sure that we have the best ideas for the future of our Military on the table I propose the formation of a Military Improvement Council. I will task our MoD with seeking out the best military minds that we have in the UK. This Council will then explore every possible way of improving and adapting our Military for the arrival of V2. With the amount of military expertise we have in this country we have the potential to become a shining example to others over the coming months.

Supporting Our Alliance

One thing that we do on a regular basis is to take part in battles with our fellow alliance nations. In order to help our Phoenix brothers we will suggest to the council that each nation maintains a set of companies in their region which can be used by deployed allied troops as a place to work. Phoenix will carry a database of these companies and the military which chooses to use it simply donates raw materials and wages to it.
To my mind this would make troop deployment around the world less of a headache and possibly provide us with some savings in the long term.

Military and Congress

Scary stuff
As I have said in my previous manifesto article, I am looking to create a more open and communicative government. I would also like to expand this to include our military. I will be asking the Minister of Defence to regularly update Congress/Parliament on the state of our armed forces and what they’ve been up to. It is very important to help Congress understand why we make certain decisions or fight in certain places. Educating our members will ensure a great succession of political minds that are capable of understanding military matters.

Fun For All

Now it’s all well and good having an excellent, well oiled machine of a military which is off fighting every other day, but what about the folk who can’t run around the world chasing the spoils of war?

I’m afraid we’ll have to look into getting us a training war.

I am committed to seeking out and finding a regular training war in which we partake. This will be a complex task to deal with but it is my priority.

I want some fun and so do you.

Before I finish talking about the military there is one issue that I would like to address - mini tanking. It has been suggested that this would be a viable option to take in order to increase the strength of our military. We have over the last month lost some of our top hitters from our own armies, however, they are still working within our alliance. This means that if they are needed they'll be diverted to support us. It is illogical, costly and ultimately pointless to mini tank for the sake of improving someone's rank.

In conclusion

After a ferocious month of invasion we must now begin the task of rebuilding.
As we did whilst under the threat of total obliteration from the face of the eWorld,we must pull together.
If we return to the bitter infighting which plagued our nation before EDEN forces marauded their way through our country then there will have been no point in our defence. We will simply implode upon ourselves and become a country ripe for the taking.
I call upon each and everyone citizen to join with me in taking up the difficult task of rebuilding from the inside out.

And on that impassioned and slightly over the top ending...

Goodbye and good luck to all tomorrow,
