Karacticus: Home and Away : Domestic & Foreign Affairs Manifesto

Day 833, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Cue rousing music, pyrotechnics, dancing monkeys...you get the idea

Upon this electronic newspaper lies the first part of my manifesto for a month of progression. As I'm an awkward so and so I have thrown aside the usual format of grouping Military with foreign affairs and Finance with home affairs. Today I shall focus upon the rebuilding process we must undertake domestically and my plans for a more active UK on the world stage.

Let's deal with domestic issues first, after all, tidy house...tidy...beard....


Over the last two months we have seen an increased level of communication from government, however, we are still not engaging with the UK as much as I would like.

I have therefore decided that each Government department will publish at least one brief update in game per week.
These reports will be compiled into one article published via the eUK Home Office paper or the Prime Ministers paper. The newly appointed Director of Communications will be tasked with compiling and chasing people for these reports.

We will use only these papers for government articles in an attempt to ensure regular top 5 articles. The Ministry of Defence paper will continue to issue orders, however, we will make sure that the MoD and Command Chain have access to the MoHA paper, this will mean that should the MoHA paper be in the top five it's title can be changed and direct orders can be inserted at the start of the article.

The Gifting Hub

I intend to further integrate the British Gifting Hub into the Ministry of Home Affairs this month.
At present it is working as a separate entity within the department, however, it is my intention to merge this with the Department for Education and Department for Players. By drawing all three aspects into one sub division of the ministry we will be able to create a more effective programme for new players.

The Citizens Department, as it will now be called, will take on the role of messaging new players and then messaging them at Level 5 to create a mentoring system. It will also offer wellness advice and now be able to provide the services of the Gifting Hub.

With the changes to wellness the gifting hub will also begin to provide newer citizens with higher quality food as well as gifts in order to keep them healthy during those first vital stages of eLife. The MoHA shall also man the ingame national chat room to offer help, useful links and pointers towards our forums and irc channels. This will of course require a change to the new player messages the MoHA sends but that is something which is easily changeable.

The Brain Trust

I will also ask all the long serving members of our country to join something which has been labelled a "Brain Trust". It's purpose will be to collect data on V2 as and when it comes out and then begin drafting proposals and suggestions for changes we as a Nation will need to make.

Surely a group of the eUK's most celebrated minds will be able to come up with some truly exciting plans for our journey into the unknown. The trust will also work closely with the MoHA in order to help the country produce the best new players guides for this new development in the future of Erepublik.

I would like to credit the name to Final Destiny in the event that people find it a silly name

National Information Hub

There is one more major project that I'd like to begin this month and that is the creation of a National Information Hub. In my mind this would be a page where new players can find a list of frequently asked questions and with one click get directed to an article or wiki page with answers to their queries.

There are loads of excellent articles and tutorials about erep out there, but its a pain to find them. Creating the hub would give us a place to direct new players to and allow them to explore erep at their leisure, and trace their progress. The hub would also provide a platform for expansion, such as setting up a method of tracking congress members activity by using an API login system and issuing them with important information. The possibilities are endless.

Having been Minister of Home Affairs since the dawn of time, well it feels like that, I've found that people will always come up with new and exciting ideas to help entertain, educate and inform the UK. We will be committed to listening and developing any excellent ideas the people of this country have.

It is a collective effort after all.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign policy is an inexact science. One minute your world is all hunky dory, the next walls are crashing down around your ears and the villagers are at your door with flaming torches. Your approach towards the wider world has an effect at home and abroad.Having experience in diplomacy doesn’t necessarily make you any good at being diplomatic.

Before I get onto to policies or should I say our approach towards the wider world this month, let me address the Irish situation.

As far as I’m concerned, as of the 5th we have a clean slate. I feel that the close proximity and age old love/hate relationship we have between our nations could provide us with some excitement. If an Irish Government felt up for this I'm sure the people of the Uk wouldn't mind going toe to toe in combat for a bit of fun.
However, if you’re Government starts playing silly beggars with Northern Ireland, there will be severe consequences.

It goes without saying that we will continue to support and aid our Phoenix allies in anyway possible. We had a minor issue with that horribly and inaccurately labelled “peace” earlier in the month but we’re back on track now.

We are dedicated to liberating Germany, a fellow member of Phoenix.
Not only that but we will continue to repel any further Greek advances into Turkey and we shall continue to take an active role in liberating France. Having active and familiar representatives in the alliance is what will distinguish this government. People such as myself, and Mr Woldy who are well versed with the workings of the alliance means that foreign relations wise - we can hit the ground running.

Home Improvements

Now, as well aiding our allies, I’m going to be asking the Minister of Foreign Affairs to begin looking at the ways in which other countries are run.
It is my belief that in order for us to become a stronger nation we need to examine the set up and infrastructure of foreign governments. Conversely, we should also be helping our allies by sharing our good practice with them.

Already the current Minister of Foreign Affairs has begun polling nations within the sol alliance in order to find out what they are up to both domestically and worldwide, as well as providing us with an insight into their infrastructure it has also been a good way of judging their feelings towards us. This is something that we will be pushing out world wide. It will not only give us a wise perspective of what different countrues think of us, but could also provide us with ideas for new and innovative plans and intitiatives to implement into the eUK.

And that as they say is that. Hopefully it'll give you something to talk about and ask questions about.

Coming up in Part two: Military and Financial musings