Kami (Season 2): Round 1 End

Day 2,455, 14:33 Published in Canada Canada by Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone

Welcome back to Kami everyone! Our first 2 contestants are Tword Pete and Idontunderstand. Let's get to the scoring...

Tword Pete:

Grammar and Spelling: 14/20
Originality: 16/20
Form and Flow: 13/20
Power and Entertainment: 9/20
Word Choice: 15/20

67/100 points- not bad. As for Idontunderstand...


Grammar and Spelling: 18/20
Originality: 13/20
Form and Flow: 7/20
Power and Entertainment: 12.5
Word Choice: 12/20

62.5 points. Well done Tword Pete, you've once again moved on. Your poems were great idontunderstand. I hope this is not the last time we'll hear from your creative side...

Thank you judges and contestants for writing. The next round will begin at 12 am next tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Article Written By: Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone~~~~~~~~~~~~