Kami: Round 3 End

Day 2,447, 22:11 Published in Canada Canada by Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone

Sorry about this very late update. I was terribly busy today and I didn't have access to my laptop...

For klop123:

Grammar and Spelling: 15/20
Originality: 5/20
Form and Flow: 15/20
Power and Entertainment: 10/20
Word Choice: 8/20

Which comes to a total of... 53/100 points 😃

For idontunderstan😛

Grammar and Spelling: 17/20
Originality: 19/20
Form and Flow: 12/20
Power and Entertainment: 16/20
Word Choice: 15/20

A total of 79/100 points. Idontunderstand, you're moving on to the next round 😉

Due to our wonderful judge L I G H T S being away, I have temporarily employed I-Bleed-Blue-93 to judge Word Choice ^.^

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Article Written By: Jenavive RoseThorne Gemstone~~~~~~~~~~~~~~