Kako do novca? Deo 3. - Black Market

Day 628, 07:54 Published in Serbia Serbia by gradimir stankovic

Pozdrav svima.
Čitate treći deo tutoriala "Kako do novca?". U ovom delu ću objasniti osnove Black marketa,ili u prevodu Crnog tržišta. Black market može biti veoma profitabilan,i kad steknete ugled kod kupaca,moćete zgrtati velike količine golda. Šta vam je potrebno za Black market? Potrebno je volje,znanja i upornosti,i po mogućnosti jedan org za odlaganje oružija (da ne idete sa Q5 u borbu ).Pa da počnemo:

Black market:

Black market je bilo koja vrsta preprodaje robe za veću cenu od nabavne.Od prodavanja jeftinog food-a,pa sve do Q5 kuća,ili čak i kompanija.

Kako početi?

Za početak,trebate naći dobre preprodavače,ili prijatelje iz zemalja u kojim je roba jeftinija.Cene robe možete proveriti ov😛 ErepTools , eRepublik.ws , CCCP Group .
Preprodavače obično možete naći na forumu. Robu,takođe.možete da nabavljate i od vlasnika kompanija koji ne žele da plaćaju porez.

Kako najlakše prodati robu?

Odgovor na ovo pitanje je spam i jeftina roba. Spamujte gde god možete i koliko god možete.Otvorite novine,sklopite jedan članak ( obavezno velikim slovima ) i počnite da obljavljujete u svim zemljama,svaki dan. Ne obazirite se na komentare i čekajte poruke,a ako su cene povoljne i ne odudaraju puno od onih na marketu,poruke će stizati veoma brzo.Obavezno dajte sniženja ako kupac kupi više proizvoda,i to istaknite u novinama.


Ugovori,ili na engleskom Contracts,služe da prodavač ne bi prevario kupca,ili kupac prodavača.Ugovore obljavljujete na forumu,pod sekcijom Contracts . Ugovore sklapajte uvek,čak i za Q1 food, i tražite da kupac prvi isplati pare. Evo dva primera ugovora:

"Citizen A will donate X gold to Citizen B. Citizen B will donate Y products to Citizen A. The terms of this contract must be fulfilled within Z hours after the contract has been signed by both parties.
If the contract is broken by either sides, the exchanged properties will be returned to their previous owners, if such an action is possible. This is also valid in case the parties that break the contract are permanently banned, or their properties are impounded, or the citizen that signed the contract dies. The parties that break the contract will also receive a three day ban.
If the contract is modified by either sides, or one of the signatures is modified, the exchanged properties will be returned to their previous owners, if such an action is possible. The parties that have modified the contract or signature will also receive a three day ban and they must pay 5 gold to other party."

"Parties involve😛
Buyer: X (citizen id XXXX😵 represented by himself.
Seller: Y (citizen id YYYYY) represented by himself.
X will donate Z GOLD to Y. Ywill then donate Z Products to Xin a maximum of 24 hours from the moment of the gold donation.

"1. If the contract is broken by either sides, the exchanged properties will be returned to their previous owners, if such an action is possible. This is also valid in case the parties that break the contract are permanently banned, or their properties are impounded, or the citizen that signed the contract dies.
2. The side that breaks the contract will receive a permanent ban if the exchanged properties can't be returned (if it hadn't received already).
3. If the contract is modified by either sides, or one of the signatures is modified, the exchanged properties will be returned to their previous owners,. The parties that have modified the contract or signature will also receive a permanent ban.
4. The parties must write " I agree with the terms of the contract" togheter with a quote of the contract in order to validate it.
5. This contract expires if:
a) On day D at 00:00 AM Erepublik time there are one or more signatures missing.
b) The buyer fails to send the money within 24 hours after the contract has been signed by both parties.
c) Both parties complete their obligations within the time limit."

Kada ste sklopili ugovor,tada nabavljate potrebnu robu od preprodavača kog ste ranije našli ili na marketu i odmah je donirate kupcu.Na kraju kupca dodajte kao prijatelja i pošaljite mu poruku u kojoj se zahvaljujete za saradnju i ukoliko mu nešto treba,da vas kontaktira.


Profit je ponekad velik,a ponekad malen,ali uvek ga ima.Ukoliko još niste shvatili,profit je u tom što vi kupite jeftiniju robu i prodate je skuplje. Ako dovoljno dobro spamujete ,možete izvući veliki profit (čak i do 20 golda dnevno,ukoliko je potražnja velika ).

Par hintova za kraj:

-Uvek sklapajte ugovor.
-Odnosite se lepo prema kupcu i pišite gramatički pravilne poruke ( tačka,veliko-malo slovo itd. ).
-Pratite cene.
-Uvek u novinama naglasite da vam se kupac obratiti sa porukom,jer će biti onih koji će komentirati članak,a vi nećete imati vremena da proveravate desetine članaka.
-Kada kupujete od preprodavača,dogovarajte se sa njima za jeftiniju cenu.
-Ugovore sklapajte i sa preprodavačima,osim ako vam oni prvi doniraju proizvode,ili ih poznajete.

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Prošli članci:

Kako do novca? Deo 1. - Rad

Kako do novca? Deo 2. - Monetary market

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