Jythier Smith Explains the Rules

Day 1,083, 05:02 Published in USA New Zealand by Jythier Smith

Temp bans, permabans, and deleted article have people and thoughts flying out of eRepublik free milk from a cow. Mods and admins are not saying much about them, which can only be interpretted as belief they are right. But are they? We went to the rules forum to find out.

"7. The channel for contacting the eRepublik Team is the official contact form.
7.1 Any accusations or complaints brought to the eRepublik Team via a channel other than the official one is prohibited and will not be addressed.
7.2 Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however public debates and/or complaints regarding the eRepublik team's actions toward one citizen or a group of citizens will not be allowed. Only the eRepublik team has the necessary tools to determine if a citizen or group has made a violation, and public discussion only created to undermine the team's decision will not be permitted."

So, a newspaper is allowed to talk about anything the eRepublik team does, except individual and/or group sanctions for game violations. We simply cannot expect a response from the powers that be, as it's not the official contact form.

Is the new military system a sanction against the entirety of eRepublik?

Most of the deleted articles probably contained profanity and/or nudity. Since my articles do not include these things, if one were deleted I would be very surprised. So the question remains, does anyone have a case? Did any articles get deleted that were not profane, not pornographic, but discussed the merits of this new change?
