Justin McCravok interview

Day 1,166, 12:27 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States
Justin McCravok interview


As announced by himself on “The Grid” (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/america-i-see-that-i-ve-caught-you-by-surprise-1655831/1/20) Justin McCravok has announced that he’s running for POTUS. Though versus a confident and well liked Haliman its going to be tough. Here is his statement “I've been through the great GF Day and I've been mentored by Jewitt, Batterytime, and Woxan. I've been an Ambassador two times, and I even helped Fionia run the North American University back in June. Day in and day out I work towards success, along my road being the greatest Secretary of Interior of all time and quite possibly the greatest Deputy Chief of Staff of all time too.” I sat down with Justin and asked him some questions.

Why do you think your better than Haliman

I feel I'm better then Haliman because of several reasons, but one of the main ones being ideas. Coming into Haliman's term, I feel he had the right mentality, but not the greatest ideas. I strive on innovation, I've been trying to innovate with the Department of the Interior in the USA for several months now. As President, I can really focus on retention and media, making sure that tons of government articles as well as citizen articles are published consistantly. I can also improve on transparency, and help get normal citizens more involved in the government and executive.

2. Do you see Canada as a freind or foe?

I see Canada as a friend. Just because a little name calling gets thrown around frequently doesn't mean we are or should be opposition. I think the hardest hit to relations was during TemujinBC's term when he made a few moves that really hurt our relations, but ever since then, it's been mainly smooth sailing.

3. If you are elected would you continue Haliman's plan to be in Europe.

It depends. Not many people are aware of Haliman's plans with Iran, and I'm one of them. If he has actual plans that he hopes to achieve, I will continue them. If he hasn't thought as far into Iran as I would expect him too, then I'll confer with a few people, work on withdrawing and perhaps working out a peace agreement with Iran. No matter what happens, all of these decisions would be run through higher ups such as my Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Joint Chief of Staffs.

4. If any what kind of changes do you want to make to PanAm

This isn't my main field of play, but let me try to answer best I can. I feel the exclusivity of PANAM will start to slowly fade and fade as time goes on, and eventually, PANAM will just be a combination of Phoenix and Eden without a few weaker allies. I hope that we can keep it central to what our interests were from the start, a time zone based alliance, and that we don't introduce too many nations into the mix. And, just for record, I'm aware the charter has been signed.

5. What do you plan on doing differently than Haliman.

I plan on focusing more on retention and media. Media was one of Haliman's weakest points, not because he didn't have many articles (he did), but because the general media and government have been slow. Citizens don't have as much dedication to posting as they used to because of the lack of players, and government has been on and off, trying to stabilize the media team. I hope to have everything running from the get-go, and to start a series of writing competitions to get the general public active and excited about writing again.

6. Whos your VP?

If I said, it wouldn't be a surprise


Proposed by Alex CTU, President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with USA.
Prediction: unconfirmed

Proposed by Sir_c0nstant, President of Australia proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Prediction: accepted.

Proposed by Haliman, President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Poland. Prediction: Accepted.

Proposed by Mr. Knoll, President of Philippines proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Prediction: Accepted.

Proposed by Harflimon, Do you agree to transfer 90420 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Prediction: Accepted.


Tibet was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of China on day 1,166

Chubu was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of Japan on day 1,166

A resistance has started in Hormozgan on day 1,166

A resistance has started in Balochistan on day 1,166

Northwestern Iran was conquered by Resistance force of Iran in the war versus USA on day 1,166

Baja was secured by USA in the war versus Resistance force of Mexico on day 1,166

Iran attacked Esfahan, USA on day 1,166

North-West Frontier Province was conquered by Resistance force of Pakistan in the war versus USA on day 1,166

Fars was secured by Iran in the war versus USA on day 1,166

War and peace info

Nothing today.

-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

Thanks for reading.

E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com