Justice and Equality Exist Not in eUK

Day 525, 11:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Arion Corporation
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Following yesterday's leak publication, an effective "show trial" was held on the eUK forums, resulting in the banning of 3 citizens from the forum - Christophia, owner of Arion Corporation and ex-German Congressman, Vecado, Party President of Britain's Advancement Party, and none other than CV James, founder of the MDU, three times Party President and four times Congressman.

Why them you may ask? And a fair question to ask.

Christophia - it has to be assumed, was banned because he owns this organisation
CV James - it has to be assumed from totally uncircumstantial accusations, because he donated to Christophia
Vecado - no clear reason.

So three citizens shunned from eUK society because they donated. This is the ONLY evidence held against them.

And the ridiculous thing about this injustice?
My informants remain within the House of Commons, parties and other bodies and continue to feed us information - and to prove this, another leaked article will be published tonight.

From CV James' latest shout, it seems he was never ever given the chance to even defend himself, it is unknown whether the others were. How can this injustice and lack of freedom exist in a modern eUK?

Atrocious development tonight, under an increasingly repressive and secretive administration.

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