Just Whats Going On....

Day 1,034, 14:31 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

You know, I think everyone right now in eCanada needs to step back from their computers... take a breather... and return in a calmer manner. The events of recent days in eCanada have certainly taken a toll on ALL OF US; since everyone (should have) noticed by now, that our country is legitimately in shambles. There is a simple lack of trust between citizens, there is a sense of "scandal" and "back room situations" surrounding many of us, and more importantly, everyone outright hates everyone...

Is that the kind of country you want to be living in? Is that the kind of global image you want? A country full of conspiracy, untrustworthiness, and hate? NO! And the sad part is, it wasn't just one persons fault. Many people have contributed to our current state (hey, even I am ashamed to say that I have "helped" (if you can even call it helping?) make our country like this), and whats even worse, many of them OUTRIGHT REFUSE to acknowledge the fact, that they WERE a part of the problem.

So really... what I have to say to you, is all in all, quite justified....


Rolo "Insert something here..." Tahmasse, some say you are the centre of all our problems. Are you? Well, I personally don't think so. Why? I wrongfully impeached you (well, even though all is forgiven in congress, it technically was illegal of me to do that; and yes, I am free to admit that), and led you to do your "actions", which still are highly unjustified in comparison to the assumed "motive". But really now, stealing all our GOLD and CAD sure wont make things better.

Wes "I KNOW WHATS GOING ON!" Lewis, all things considered, you helped our country become this, but again, it is NOT entirely your fault. You simply loaded the gun; you didn't fire it. But of course, I hope you have learned a lesson from all of this. Being too vocal on your findings can spell D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R for a country, not to mention for your public image, Wes. However, I must say, Wes has taken the initiative to come forward on a few of his faults, and I commend him on that.

Acacia "Horse of Apocalypse" Mason, at first I had your back (and don't get me wrong, I still do), but, do you HONESTLY THINK making patronizing and overall pointless articles towards eCanada, is really going to help the situation? Yes, I know you're probably RAGING, and... heck... probably BEYOND THAT because of personal attacks; but with all things considered..... fighting fire with firs will just end up getting you burned Acacia...... in fact, the articles are already making things worse for you. The whole point of me taking you on the trip was for you to get away from all this... to preserve your public image... to help you.... but I can't help you, if you don't want to help yourself first...

Citizen "Industries" B, well, I haven't really been following the accusations against you, nor do I want to. All I can say to you is, IF you are affected by corruption, and are doing unjust actions, simply STOP. Clear your name. Apologize. Something. Although it'll be tough to do, it will (in the long run) make things better on yourself. Of course, on the flip side, if you ARE NOT a part of any corrupt deals, then all I can say is, don't stoop to TROLLING and NITPICKING back and people who are blaming you. In the end, that too will only make things worse.

Project "Secretz" Mayhem, all I can say is... not enough publicity. If you REALLY wanted to be honest and sincere with your actions (although I doubt your actions ever were to be good and sincere), you should've told the eCanadian public WHAT you were doing, and WHEN you were doing it, in order to avoid the "lets put 2 and 2 together" situation.


But really eCanada, are we just going to sit here like this and NOT TAKE ACTION?

Instead of fighting against each other, we need to put our heads together to try and figure out a solution, eh? Just because we're in a hole, doesn't mean we can't get out of it.

Let's try and revitalize our sense of "community", to make ourselves "proud to be Canucks" like we used to be many months ago.

I know you all hate this situation as much as I do.... and to be honest, until you all stop acting like babies and crying over every little thing... things just wont get better... So like I said before. Take a moment or 2... calm down... grow up... and start working towards a better future.
