Just to make it clear.

Day 393, 14:20 Published in USA USA by Joeph Cole

Here's how you fight:

Fight until you are between 50-60 Wellness.
Use the hospital
Wait For tomorrow.

It's not really that hard. That way, you're at around 100 wellness for the next day's battles.

There's no point of having to waste all your wellness, and put yourself out of commission for the next day.
You'd be surprised how many people overdo it, and then beg for gifts.

Also. Decoder.

I talked to Benn soon after my article was released, Here's a transcript.

[19:19] [Benn] The "cost to fight"?
[19:21] [Benn] The only thing I am going off of Joeph is past experience. I know that Will was buying Q4 and Q5 weapons before and the prices for them increased a lot.
[19:21] [Joeph] And we used them really quickly
[19:21] [Benn] Tbh, I haven't given Gates many instructions.
[19:21] [Joeph] Okay.
[19:21] [Benn] yes, exactly
[19:21] [Benn] you guys loved them
[19:21] [Benn] and then you were asking for me
[19:21] [Benn] and who better to turn to than the pres 😛
[19:22] [Joeph] Because we didn't have a true Qm until a few days ago
[19:22] [Joeph] So
[19:23] [Joeph] Hmm. so what do you want to see happen?
[19:23] [Joeph] In a perfect world
[19:25] [Benn] with what regard - supplies, pay, distribution, orders
[19:25] [Joeph] Military. In general. But lets start with pay.
[19:25] [Benn] Okay lets see...
[19:25] [Benn] Bi-weekly.
[19:26] [Benn] Aside from that, maybe halved.. like enough to give citizens as sort of a secondary citizen fee, but not too much where they can practically live off of it.
[19:26] [Benn] During war, no pay - all distribution.
[19:26] [Benn] I don't think anybody likes giving our pay once a week in the war atmosphere anyways
[19:28] [Joeph] Okay. for the Distro, we'd be able to get gifts then, if we halve the pay, right?
[19:30] [Benn] I really don't see the use for gifts in war.
[19:30] [Benn] They are truly outlawed now.
[19:30] [Benn] They should be used for backup or emergency only, IMO
[19:30] [Benn] I've felt this way since they implemented the new fighting system.
[19:31] [Joeph] So you only want the five fight max then.
[19:31] [Joeph] Okay.
[19:31] [Benn] Five fight max is much better than what we're doing now.
[19:33] [Joeph] is that going to hurt our force at all though?
[19:37] [Benn] No, if anything it will increase our force
[19:37] [Benn] How many soldiers do you think use the decoder.
[19:37] [Benn] I mean, idk, but I bet that a lot of them fight less than 5x a day, let alone 6
[19:38] [Joeph] Well.
[19:39] [Joeph] I don't know
[19:39] [Joeph] Everything seems reasonable enough
[19:39] [Benn] Soldiers demanding gifts doesn't.
[19:39] [Benn] I really do want to implement the decoder into our military.
[19:39] [Benn] It'd increase work force, strength, and total force (thus, ranks too)
[19:40] [Joeph] Well it'd be touchy seeing how we don't know the admins official stance
[19:40] [Benn] Lol, do you know how many people use the decoder?
[19:41] [Joeph] Everyone
[19:41] [Benn] Then why not everyone + the US military
[19:41] [Benn] Look, if the ban the United States, many will quit the game.
[19:41] [Joeph] Okay.
[19:41] [Benn] Besides, it's that demographic that they are looking to profit off of IRL - newish, active, and able to spend money on the game.
[19:43] [Joeph] I did tell my troops tbh
[19:43] [Joeph] But I'll send it again

Also, Running for congress.
I have no Idea why I should actually have to campaign.

Maybe I can bring some sense to our current congress. Heaven knows we need it.

Basically, if my platform needs to be said, here it is:

More qualified than 85% of the nation.
Already Spent 6 terms. (Too bad my ones in beta don't show up.)
I know what I'm doing.
No personal agenda. (Seriously if I had a personal agenda, I'd be President by now. 😑' )