Just swinging my sword...

Day 1,940, 18:43 Published in Canada Spain by Allegra Avionte

Resistance is futile, or so it seems in the case of the Asgard debates. It would seem that most of eCanada, or at least most of the more vocal in the e-nation, have their minds made up that Asgard is where it’s at.

Though many minds are made up, a recent comment on an article by another citizen has referred to Asgard as a hair shirt that we now must wear. Upon explanation, it was stated that Asgard, as a hair shirt, is something uncomfortable to which we must commit. If the union is uncomfortable, why then support it. I for one would not clap and cheer if I made a bed of finishing nails and was then told that I must lie in it…and I definitely would not welcome the experience if someone else made the bed of nails and forced me then to occupy it. (Note: Asgard, I am in no way likening you to a bed of nails.)

This is exactly what seems to be happening. It seems that the nation is indeed divided on this issue. Those that are supporting the alliance are, in some cases, going along with the crowd or doing what they think is mandatory to restore our nation to its former glory and stature.

Now, I am a young eCanadian, but to the best of my understanding the initial referendum that pointed in the direction of Asgard was held “months ago” (our fearless leaders words, not mine). Making a decision based on facts that very well could have changed seems like; well it seems like a bad idea. Just as an example, you wouldn’t go buy a boat today based on the sum of money you held two months ago. It appears as if action is being taken and things are being moved along so that this small fraction of history in eCanada does not become another period of inactivity from the powers that be. It has been admitted that if joining Asgard does not for some reason pan out in a copasetic manner that there is no backup plan.

There have been seasoned players exorcised from the community, and there has been the addition of a multitude of new citizens and new ideas--not to mention new circumstances.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying to abandon the relationship we have forged with Asgard. They are good countries and I, in good faith, believe that they do want a mutually beneficial relationship with eCanada. So Asgard, it’s not you it’s me. I think that everything needs to be reevaluated from a current stance and the decision needs to be based on the facts and realities of the present as well as the needs of the current eCanada and its presently active citizens.

More and more it seems those with concerns have begun to come out of hiding and are voicing their concerns and views. To those who have issues regarding this alliance, time is running out. So sound off like you got a pair.

These views are mine, and this is my article; therefore, I can swing my sword in any method or direction of my choosing. For those of you who don‘t like what I had to say…swing your own damn sword 🙂