Just a misunderstanding?

Day 1,008, 09:49 Published in Brazil Hungary by montaigne

Dear Citizens of Brasil!

As a newly settled citizen of South Africa today in the morning I woke up on cannon moars.
I was wandering what happens.

Who could have attacked us? And why?

South Africa has a Hungarian President, it has a stable majority in the Congress and it is surrounded by allied countries. Who could that be?

It was Brasil. Why Brasil had to attack South Africa's most important region? Why was it done in the morning hours? There are lots of questions, but we have no answers yet.

For God's sake: as of today South Africa is on the way to become an ally to Brasil and to the Phoneix.

Gentleman, I kindly ask you not to fight against your natural allies!
We believe, that all this situation can be discussed and solved in a peaceful way. We need to sit down in a quiet place and take our time to understand what and why happened.

I also believe, that people like you and me can make the difference between RIGHT and WRONG.

Mistaken decision are visible to everyone. To fight against you natural ally is the wrong thing to do.

Thank you in advance for your help, your co-operation


a South African citizen
multiple congressman in Serbia
Hungarian diplomat
multiple Media Mogul