Jurnalul Soimaresc - eSaptamana eDay 2.123 - 2.133

Day 2,133, 23:35 Published in Romania Romania by Soimii.Patriei

Buna dimineata Soimii Patriei,

Toti elfii lui Mos Craciun au muncit din greu toata noaptea ca sa va aduca voua, luni dimineata, Jurnalul Soimaresc. Cum stim ca nu poate incepe o saptamana cu dreptul fara o noua editie din JS, elfii au facut o tura dubla si fara pauza de masa. Din acest motiv, aproximativ 10 copii din Koreea de Nord nu vor primi cadouri in acest an. Acestea fiind spuse, va invitam sa va bucurati de cea mai noua editie a Jurnalului Soimaresc, precum si de aceasta melodie misterioara pe care va invitam sa o descoperiti (preferabil concomitent).

Zbor Inalt Soimii mei!

Today this section will be in a foreign language:
English version:

We have the honor of Baby Finn’s presence among us. The young falcon has agreed to answer our eager questions. So take a comfortable seat and enjoy the interview.

Welcome Petsku ! How are you? How you feeling in front of our journal mic? But I guess your answers today will tell everything we want to know about.

Why Petsku? Why eRepublik? Why Romania? And..why “blow me” on your avatar? 🙂
I started eRepublik in 2008, as some guys from an ended Travian server asked me to join. I refused for a while, but after hearing eFinland is trying to gain independence from the evil Norwegians (one of the great countries back then), I wanted to help them out.

Petsku has been my RL nickname ever since I was a kid and I’ve been using it online as well, altering it a bit if needed. I joined the game in an early stage so the name was still available. I’m not the only Petsku in Finland.. 🙂

To Romania I got attached for the first time in early 2009. There were some epic fights between Romania and Indonesia. I think most of the oldfags remember the battles of Western Siberia (WSR). I wanted to fight regularly so after Finland was free, I moved to Romania.

During the years, I got more and more attached to certain Romanians who were playing the game. alpho was the reason I joined Soimii Patriei. My first time on our IRC channel was exactly 3 years ago, Sep 23 12:58:33 2010. My time in SP got a flying start, thanks to ghishae:

[12:58] * Now talking in #spr
[12:58] ohaaaaaai
[12:59] wtf?
[12:59] * You were kicked by ghishae (wtf?)
[12:59] * Attempting to rejoin channel #spr
[12:59] * Rejoined channel #spr
[12:59] .kb Petsku_
[12:59] * Sobermonkey sets mode: +b *!*@The.Baby.Finn
[12:59] * You were kicked by Sobermonkey (Requested (ghishae))

No hard feelings, though, as we’ve shared plenty of drinks after this occasion.

As for my avatar.. I had a Falcon there for years, often modified to represent a Baby having Falcon wings. A few months ago, though, I got pissed about something and decided to change my avatar. I sticked with it, as I found it funny and personal. It also looks good on the battlefield.

What do you think about eRepublik community in Romania?
Simply put: it’s the only reason I’m still playing this game. If someone would have told me 5 years ago, when joining the game, that I would play the game for so long and get so attached to the community. The (meta)game has offered me emotions I’ve never felt when playing other games. I never would have imagined I would make real life friends through a game. I wouldn’t have visited Romania in 2012 if it wasn’t for this game, and I definitely wouldn’t live in Bucharest right now.
It’s weird to think what I would be doing now, if I wouldn’t have decided to register. Most likely I would be in Finland, riding my polar bear to work/university.. maybe dating some hot blonde chick.. 😉
Anyway, goes without saying that I love the community in Romania. I’ve met some great people through the game. Actually I don’t like the word ‘game’ anymore. It’s so much more.

What does “Soimii Patriei” mean to you and what’s your opinion about your future in here? If you have the opportunity to change something, what would it be?
Soimii Patriei is a family. It will never be the biggest MU, but we’ll always have each other. When needed, we also make the difference. I think we showed everyone in the 1st military unit competition that, when we want, we can kick ass.

You can’t change your family. It is what it is. And most of the time you love every single member of it. Personally I want to be a Falcon until the moment I quit the game. Whether it’s 2 months from now, or 2 years from now.. I’ll always be a Falcon.

Tell us something we don’t know about you, about Petsku or the guy behind the keyboard? I m letting you to choose the answer for this, but give us something “hot” 🙂
This is such a hard question because a lot of different people will be reading this article. Some know me well, some not so well. One random thing comes to my mind, which probably no one knows:

When I was about 15, I participated in a short film competition with a few friends of mine. The short movie scripted, directed, filmed and edited by me ended up winning the whole competition. It was shown on national TV, viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. I felt pretty good when I got the call from the executive producer, and even better when I saw it on the TV!

How do you see all this experience working in Romania? How do you like living here and are you willing to leave your country for a life in Romania (a more personal question)?
I came to Romania in March and I’ve definitely enjoyed my time here. I’ve ran into plenty of cultural differences and it hasn’t always been so easy for me either. Not understanding the language was hard at first but I got used to it in time.

People here are more open and friendly towards strangers. Obviously the weather in general is great, even though it’s getting colder lately. But at least we have cheap booze and cute girls to keep us warm, right? 🙂

As for leaving Finland and living my life in Romania.. well, I never want to close any doors permanently. I will definitely visit Romania but right now it’s too early to think where I will be 2 years from now. I also have no idea how it will be in Finland after I return, so I guess time will tell.

As a polite Finn I won’t pass the microphone back! Instead, I will ask the last question from myself: Do you have any last comments to all the Falcons and Falconettes out there, flying from bottle to bottle?
Sure thing, Petsku! First of all I must say that you look very charming today. As for everyone else, I love you guys! But I love the girls more. Or do I..?

Fâl fâl fâl! o7

PS. alpho is a butt, pass it on!

Thank you very much Petsku for sincerity and the pleasure in your answers and we hope you had a great time here, in our little “falcon nest” 🙂

Pluto cel cu cap de pluta este articolul lui Paul Voiclis unde ne vorbeste cu cel mai calm ton posibil despre cat de impecabil si admirabil functioneaza modulul guerilla. Noi nu putem decat sa aclamam in cor si sa confirmam aceasta observatie pertinenta.

Revista Opozitiei - zilele 2128-2132 il gaseste pe Taurul Galben plictisit. Luptele il plictisesc, media il plistiseste.. noi ii sugeram sa lase beutura si sa citeasca o carte 🙂, dar cu putin timp in urma, intr-o alta editie din Revista Opozitiei, ziua 2123 - 2127 pare sa nu ii convina nimic si va invitam sa cititi mai multe despre “scrierile lui”, o, clona lenesa si nerecunoscatoare si sa decideti daca sau nu este justificat strambatul lui din nas, puteti citi articolul sau.

Autonomie si democratie este articolul lui Sefu’ vorbind despre Adytu94 si a lui misiune imposibila, care in rolul sau de Tom Cruise, a pornit o revolutie impotriva dictatorilor templieri. Visul sau este sa obtina autonomia regimentului 20.. pentru ca apoi sa fie un dictator el insusi. Deocamdata s-a exilat in sanul soimilor, cuib prietenos si primitor. Pentru a va decide daca doriti sa-l ciuguliti sau sa-l primiti in cuib, ii puteti citi povestea, din perspectiva dragului nostru kelly, aici:

Sub aceeasi comanda a Soimii Patriei, Ghidul Capitanului SP
ne invita sa ne depunem candidatura pe data de 14 si sa participam la alegerile pentru capitanii regimentelor de pe data de 15 a fiecarei luni. Ca sa nu ne bage complet in bezna, dragul nostru comandant ne face si o scurta descriere a responsabilitatilor capitanilor.

In aceasta rubrica vreau sa va propun un nou CONCURS:

Va place sa desenati? Aveti talent sa desenati?
Prezentati un desen facut de voi, cu sau despre orice este legat de Soimii Patriei si cel mai intersant, creativ si artistic desen va fi castigator. Vor fi premiate primele 3 desene.
Locul 1: 15 GOLD;
Locul 2: 10 GOLD;
Locul 3: 5 GOLD;

* Juriul ce va decide asupra desenelor voastre va fi format din conducerea SP;
* Desenele vor fi mentionate in ziarul propriu si link-ul de la articol sa fie trimis catre noi, pe chat, pe feed, in sectiunea de comment al acestei editii Jurnalul Soimaresc, in orice mod, dar sa ajunga la noi, nu excludem nici varianta PM-urilor;
* Termenul limita pentru predare si aratare acestui desen - Vineri-eDay 2.138;

Mult succes dragi membrii Soimii Patriei!

In incheiere sa nu uitam sa va multumim - VOUA - tuturor soimilor pentru sustinere si colaborare, pentru daruirea si pasiunea fata de Soimii Patriei, sa ramana o unitate militara cu al sau nume gravat in istoria eRomaniei si o familie pentru noi, dragi membrii soimi!

Cu tot respectul dragi Soimi,

au scris pentru voi astazi,
daliahme si

iar pana data viitoare va dorim o saptamana usoara, frumoasa si plina de ceea ce va doriti!

Zbor Inalt Soimii mei!