June 2013 Inaugatation

Day 2,032, 05:34 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSouth African Presidency

I thank everyone who voted in this last election. Whether you voted for me or not is not as important as the fact that you participated and made your voices heard.

I assure you that all opinions have been noted. Some altered my position, some I will be able to accommodate indirectly, and others are totally incompatible with my vision for South Africa. These latter, are in many ways, critical if we are to continue striving for one nation with one vision. While there will always be disagreement, the one thing we must all agree on is to do what is best for South Africa is we have any hope of a nation united in diversity. Every step we take must shift the debate from total opposition in principal to opposition in detail.

Most are already familiar with my Cabinet, but I use this opportunity to formally announce them. Every one of them is a South African who has volunteered their services. They are all community heroes for having initiative.

Cabinet June 2013

Defence: Greekpwner, Niffobti
Foreign Affairs: Grimstone, Fhaemita Malodorous
Security: LiquidIce
Intelligence: Nickerball
Births & Immigartion: Uber Kiko
Domestic Affairs: El Reto, ppandp

I have grown weary of the constant complaint that power is entrenched and instead sought to rather demonstrate why. If you asked for a position to serve your country, I found a job for you. Nobody was excluded. If you see a gap it is because nobody was prepared to step up. Before you criticise any one of these people, ask yourself, why did I not throw my name in? Why are they so terrible for doing what I am not prepared to do?

South Africa has in reality been divided between the do'ers and critics for too long. Its time to step up or shut up.

South Africa needs you and your active participation. It is the only way we will generate the activity required to grow again.

Brazil's Congress have declined a training war with South Africa. They have chosen to rather Natural Enemy Argentina in certain victory instead of face the uncertain behemoth that is the mighty South Africa. As disappointing as that is, we have some other options in the pipe-line: some old, some new.

Watch this space.

One nation
One people
One vision

Amandla, Awethu. Power to the people.