July PM election: a side view (114th issue)

Day 957, 08:34 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing

The PM election is less than a day away and the candidates are making their final preparations for the voting. Out of the five candidates four have a real chance of winning.

The TUP-supported Iain Keers for many is the main contender for winning this election. In the past, he has led The Unity Party, been a congressman, and the Minister of Finance of the UK. He is also the incumbent Minister of Trade and for quite some time has been the Treasurer of Phoenix.

This is Keers' first time running for president. He's set minimum campaign goals, except for the 10% increase of the GDP. As for his manifestos, he has covered pretty much everything in the three recently published articles. One of his aces in the campaign is the extensive knowledge of the economic module, both in V1 and V2. He has presented himself as the best candidate the country could wish for and the safest one for transitioning to V2.

I rate his chances of winning at 45%.

GLaDOS, the UKRP nominee, is the most likely candidate to overtake Iain Keers. The three-time Prime Minister and the former SG of PEACE has experience written all over him. For those who want an old guard PM for the first month of V2, GLaDOS might be the only alternative of Keers.

Besides keeping current regions and increasing GDP by 5%, GLaDOS also plans to gain control over the Polish region of Pomerania, which looks like the most difficult goal of all in these elections. This would mean swapping through a whole lot of regions. He plans to open a Department of Economic Transition to ease the coming of V2. There is also an open application for his cabinet.

I rate his chances of winning at 35%.

Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar (or Digby, as he is more commonly known) is supported by the PCP. He might emerge as the face for the movement against the TUP and UKRP, but it's yet to be seen how his reputation of being an, um, less serious player will influence the number of voters.

His goals are to increase the population number by 7% and to conquer Dublin. In his manifesto, Digby calls for a "strong and efficient non-partisan cabinet". He also criticised the constant party bickering, instead saying that the "emphasis should be upon bettering the nation and people rather than the party". Talking about V2, Digby wants to ensure that the MoF doesn't go crazy.

I rate his chances of winning at 12%.

SDP nominee Betafoxtrot is the final nominee I will be reviewing today. He is the other guy who could lead the anti-biggie movement, looking more serious than Digby. He is the Minister of Home Affairs and a high-ranking member of the SDP.

His goals are to increase the population number by 9% and to conquer Dublin and Scotland. Although the second goal has already been accomplished by the outgoing PM Woldy, he would have to conquer Dublin on his own. Because the SDP is a new party which, until now, has had minimal involvement in the government politics. Betafoxtrot's term might be the most unpredictable of all, but it would definitely be something new and interesting. Unfortunately, he has yet to publish his manifesto.

I rate his chances of winning at 8%.

I rate his chances of winning at 0%.

Because I can't promise to eat my hat in eRep, I instead promise to donate 15 gold to the Polish bank if he would win, something I would hate to do just as much as eating a hat.

