July Congress Update

Day 2,070, 10:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by CottonPicken

Hello all,

As it is summer and I have nothing much to do with my time except hide inside from the sun and play on my computer I thought that I would write an article. I thought long and hard about the topic of this article but the best thing that could come to mind was congress.

What I have noticed from this term is a lot more rogue proposals than my last term in congress. There was no discussion surrounding these proposals such as the Natural Enemy proposals against France and Norway. Another was the proposal made by Julian Caesar to raise income tax from 5% to 25%. Safe to say this was declined by 33 votes to 2.

Also, interestingly, two proposals for a Natural Enemy against Ireland were made. One only 8 days after the first failed attempt. It looks like people were hungry for war and so it has been given to them.

Proposal: Germany has been proposed as Natural Enemy
Proposed by: CptChazbeard
Result: 27/5 APPROVED

A number of MPP proposals were made with countries such as Greece, Hungary, Spain, RoC (Taiwan), Poland and a few others. A full list of our current MPPs can be seen here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/military/United-Kingdom Most notably is our MPP with Argentina, a country which not so long ago had us wiped. There was a lot of discussion surrounding this one beforehand and the majority agreed that the positives outweighed the cons and so it passed 29/5

Congress were also asked recently whether we wish to extend the peace deal with Ireland which was made last term. With plans of an airstrike it was decided that it was best to indeed extend it. The deal stated that we would keep the regions of Mayo and Shannon so that we would still get the fruits bonus and all other regions were to be released.

In conclusion I think that congress members need to be smarter with their proposals. Most people will refuse to vote yes on a proposal that has not been spoken about especially wars which the government needs to organise. It has been a fun month in congress though and I hope to be back in the future.

P.S Kravenn has an excellent article out now breaking down each proposal and you can read that here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-speaker-congress-june-july-vote-2-congress-news-2293790/1/20