Jugement Day (For Russian Freedom!)

Day 442, 00:38 Published in Italy Russia by Bai Ji-Shin Chang


The decisive day is coming. The second phase of the operation of liberation of eRussia will happen in Feb 5. Despite the numerical advantage of the Norwegians, the joint Russian-Iranian coalition managed to obtain a majority during the last Congress elections. However, for the full liberation of Russian territories, we need to overthrow a corrupt Norwegian regime by winning the presidential elections.

The ATLANTIS group was already sent to Norway, and now we need your help. Many volunteers from PEACE countries have already expressed their desire to participate in our operation.
On behalf of the liberation movement, I urge you to help eRussia to return the occupied territories!
The official candidate of the coalition - Mossad.

We need your vote!

P.S. If you need a free ticket, please contact borges16 or AntM.