Joshua Morriseau's Mandate

Day 1,869, 15:16 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Dearest citizens of the sovereign nation of the Netherlands,

As many of you already know I am now currently running for CP. Everyone running in an election needs solid plans which is what I have proposed for you here. In them you will find the differences in the way I would run the government from Kimberly or van Spicjk so please take the time to read carefully and post your feedback and criticisms.

Poland and Our Occupation
I want my position on Poland and on our struggles to be clear. I personally believe that our only way to see ourselves back on the map again is through diplomacy. We will never beat them on the battlefield unless more than half the eworld was on our side so if we can't beat them on the battlefield then we will use our heads to solve the problem at hand. I would immediately start negotiation discussions with the Polish CP to try and come to new terms. This past term the Polish CP was unreasonable and did not care to start negotiations with us but there is hope because this term she will not be running again. If the next elected CP does not wish to come to talks like his/her predecessor I would take it upon myself and my government to try to bring any other government officials such as Ministers and so on to the discussion table with us who may have influence. I would also begin talking to their opposition parties. This could be crucial because opposition parties often have different views and they could have a different view on us and our situation as well. The more people that could be brought in on discussions the better.

This is the way I would wish to start my term as CP however we all know that negotiations can be hard to begin so if the next Polish government will show no signs of wanting to negotiate with us then of course their will be no choice but to step up RW's in coordination with our allies to push for our freedom. I would also like to organize a RW to hopefully elect a new Congress if they have not given us any indication that they will discuss our freedom with us by the next Congress elections.

Unity in Congress, and the Netherlands
This past term in Congress we have seen our Congress split on many things and watched ourselves become more divided then I have ever seen since entering politics here. We need to unite because we will never come back to the map if were not. I want to restore our Congress to what it once was. I will not seek to just appoint members of my own party to government because that will get us no where. Every party has people that have their talents and I want those people to join me in the government so that it will not be ''my'' government but our government reflected by the ideas and principles of every party. I hope that the government can be equally represented by citizens from all parties. We cannot please everybody but we can restore civility and a proper decorum to our Congress.

My position on EDEN
Our position on EDEN has never been more important then it is now. I will be the first one to say that EDEN has had its fair share of problems in the past little while but those are problems that we are working to fix. With van Spijck and Zeeuwsmeisje working hard in EDEN it would be silly for us to leave. They along with the rest of EDEN are working on reforms that will seek to restore our alliance to what it once was. I believe that we should focus our time and energy into making EDEN work rather than trying to find and build new alliances. I don't think anybody would want to see us join TWO or CoT who favour TWO. It has been pointed out that we do not pay a fee to be in EDEN right now so that is not a set back for us. Should another option come up then of course it will be taken seriously but for the time being we should stay with EDEN at least while the reforms are happening. Should the reforms fail and we see that EDEN is not recovering then we will naturally seek new options.

More Government Transparency and Activity
This is something that is very important. As the citizens of the Netherlands you have the right to know whats going on and get involved in the decision making of our country. This isn't a dictatorship it is a democracy. There are going to be things that cannot of course be shared but I want to open the books more to all citizens. I would also like to achieve this by having more government updates then we have seen from the previous terms and governments. I feel like we had seen a decline in updates with the outgoing government so I will make sure that we fix that as it is crucial we keep all citizens up to date with the events of each ministry. Another way I want to increase government to citizen relationships is by updating our Ministry of Home Affairs. The Minister and his/her team will be tasked with putting out surveys to the citizens to ask peoples opinions on the job the government is doing to serve them and where they see we have a need for more improvement.

As you can see we have a tough road ahead of us. We may not be the biggest nation with the most citizens but we have heart and I know we will persevere. Although we may not have the luxury of having big budgets or thousands of citizens we have grown into a tight and close knit family which has it's advantages. Its the tough times like these that prove our worth and what we are made of.

Professionals built the Titanic, but amateurs built the Ark.

In closing I would like to ask you to make the choice to change our nations course with me and do me the honour of choosing me as your next President. Its a New Year everybody so lets have a new start!

Kind Regards,
Joshua Morriseau