Jos cenzura ! For Spain we bled, we thank you for your love !

Day 1,149, 07:00 Published in Romania Romania by CorneliuS16

Astazi am primit al doilea forfeit point, in decurs de numai doua saptamani, ma abtin sa fac comentarii mai ample la adresa adminilor, a caror corectitudine, judecata si impartialitate lasa extrem de mult de dorit. Articolul, pentru care mai colectez un forfeit point, facea referire la atitudinea Spaniei fata de Romania. Mentionand, in introducere, o seriei de eroi romani care au luptat in razboiul civil din Spania,in anul 1936, fie ei legionari sau nu, textul respectiv nu avea intentii propagandistice ,aceasta fiind singura legatura cu realitatea prezentata in articol.
Rusine adminilor !

Jos cenzura irationala!

Si daca risc sa iau inca un forfeit point pentru articolul asta...

For Spain we bled, we thank you for your love !

In 1936 two leaders of the Legion of the Archangel Michael along with five other brothers in arms left for Spain to voluntarely join General Franco's nationalist army, in the fight against the communist brigades battling in the name of Russia. Their names are Ion Mota and Vasile Marin along with the Prince Alexandru Cantacuzino, Ion Dumitrescu-Borsa chief secretary of the Legion, Gheorghe Clim, Nicolae Totu and Banica Dobre. These heroes went to Spain knowing they would be forsaking their one lives not in a fight not of their own, but for those who they considered brothers, at the other end of Europe.

As have they, we have fought, spent our gold and bled for all of our eRepublikan allies, including Spain, at the time of their most dier need.
This sacrifice has been repaid now, by strenghtening our greatest enemy. We thank you for you love, Spain. All this in the name of change and as an excuse for boredom. I guess honor, brotherhood and loyalty as not as important, or maybe overrated in your new world order.
I salute those spaniards who are still loyal to their friends.