Jonathon Edwards for PP, Canadian Progressive Front

Day 2,243, 19:20 Published in Canada Spain by JonathonEdwards

At the encouragement of several members of the party, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the leadership of my party.

My character is young – on election day January 15, my character will celebrate 5 months in eRepublic. It would be a nice birthday present – nevertheless, I encourage other CPF’ers to throw their hat into the ring. A race would be nice – coronations are boring, and lack the edge having a competitor would bring. As someone once wrote, “Iron sharpens iron”. It would be a boon to the party to have someone else declare their candidacy and actively campaign against me.

Road Map

I have been witness to much infighting in this game. An outsider, or a new Canadian, would think that we are a schizophrenic nation – and that charge would not be without basis. As a potential leader of the CPF, one of my heart’s desires would be to make us less that way. Success might be minimal, or even fleeting, but I would give it a good shot. Cooperation, even if not a genuine unity, would be a goal.

I would submit that the path has already been paved, with my D’Addy’s removal of himself from the CP race and the endorsement of I-Bleed-Blue, thus cementing his election. I would seek to follow down this road.


But also know that I would not roll over and let others walk over us, fellow CPF’ers. The cooperation I seek is not at all costs. When there is crap going on that does not advance our nation, I will be there to call a spade a spade – no matter who is to blame – even if it is someone from within our own ranks. Partiality will have no room with me. A good idea – or a bad one – will be judged on its merits, not on who brought it forth. This way, eCanada can be promoted, grown, and matured, and become an asset to our allies – not a handicap. Although I believe the Canadian Progressive Front is the best avenue currently available to achieve these ends for eCanada, we do not have a monopoly on good ideas (in fact, some bad ideas have originated within), nor on active and useful individuals.

The Canadian Progressive Front

As Party President, I will encourage an active party membership. I will delegate out to those who have proven themselves, or show promise. Responsibility will fall to those who get things done – and reassigned when things don’t.

To that end, I ask any CPF’ers who share my vision and believe they have something to bring to the table to let me know. It is you I invite to join me in leadership. A leadership which will strengthen our party, but more importantly, fight to see that eCanada and her good, is our #1 priority. (Of course, "what" is good for eCanada is the sticking point!)

An active Canadian Progressive Front

On January 15th, I encourage every CPF’er to vote – to become involved if even in this small way, and take some responsibility for who leads us. What joy it would be to see 70% of the party show up to vote – or even 75%!

Hail the Blue Moose!