Join the USAF. Stop PTOS!

Day 591, 06:27 Published in USA North Korea by Cesog fillireb

The United States Air Force has just been created and is looking for enthusiastic Americans that are either citizens or are already in one branch of the military to answer the call and sign up. The Air Force is a new and non-traditional branch of the military. Instead of fighting with guns we will instead be fighting with votes. Its sole purpose is to stop PTO’s in both allied and defenseless small countries around the world.

The last congressional elections in Spain have clearly illustrated the need for the United States to have an anti-PTO organization that is prepared to move to other countries and save them from the hostile PTO’s of Hungary, Indonesia, and other likeminded countries. The Air Force is seeking active and enthusiastic volunteers to help us fill out a roster of at least 300 active members to this new and highly specialized branch of the military. Preserving the electoral integrity of our allies around the globe is of the utmost importance to the United States. This new endeavor will require members that are willing to do the following:

1. You must be willing and able to be mobile and ready to move on the nights of elections.
2. You must be willing to vote in the country that is your assigned mission and not the USA.
3. You must be willing to check the military forums for orders.
4. You must maintain military and mission secrecy.

Moving voters is no easy task as the PTO in Croatia has shown us. This new branch of the military will require you to be willing to sacrifice your vote in America to save our allies abroad. If you are interested in joining up and making a difference contact either CO Kyle321n or XO Josh Frost.

Enlistment form: